Johnny.C//[For a greaser?]

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A/N: not requested I was just bored and came up with it, plus I had to start with Johnny, he's my favourite after all! This takes place after the book/movie but of course he didn't die, neither did dally.


The night was quite warm, but I wouldn't mind a jacket right now, since there was a breeze in the air. I was making my way to into the east side of town, quite far from home, especially for a 'Soc', but what the worst that could happen, I doubt a hood would jump me just for just, I did this quite a lot too, nothing have ever happened...
But anyways I was making my way, unsure of what I was supposed to do, panic grew a bit more in me, was I ok, I don't feel ok, is everything okay, not in a situation like, why me-

"Hey Grease girl," I heard that from behind me, which interrupted my thoughts, I looked up then looked around for this girl they were referring to, it was quite empty the only thing their was, their car, and I, so I didn't turn back. I continued (since the headlights would blind me is I turned back), then the engine came to hault, and so did the car.

That's when two guys stepped out, and they made their way to me, barely even walking straight, their pace quite slow as it felt like there was a second waited between each step, I finally turned my head, though their was no use, I couldn't see a thing, most of the street lights in this area where all broken, and off, I could barely see my own hand, and I don't know how but they caught up to me.

"What do you want, and make it quick" I said, my arms crossed as I kept myself guarded, I couldn't see but I was sure the two looked at each other than me, and came closer and I stopped to make sure they were alright maybe they needed something, but I didn't feel safe.

"We was just wondering what a pretty girl was doing out this late," His hand moved to my chin, and he brushed my cheek with his fingers before cupping my cheek, quite softly which was kinda ticklish, but that was the last thing I was thinking of, I grabbed his wrist a bit aggressively moving his hand. I immediately regretted stoping for these two.

"And I was wondering why I was being followed by two bastards on a Friday night." I snapped.
"What's your damage, baby," One of them said, as he inched himself quite closely.
"You are! Just leave..." I said, and I didn't even realise how much I stuttered when I said so. I took a step back to distance myself from them.
"We're the best thing that happened to you" the other slurred out,
"Yeah you lucky to be in our present, Socs like us get get you places!"the first one said, and I rolled your eyes, off course then idiots were Socs, this made me even more embarrassed to be one-

But something was so weird with this, I wasn't sure what there motive was, to flirt with me or to brag about themselves, or maybe they do wanna start a fight... everything about this was so weird.

But what was I waiting here for, I'm wasting time. They were still talking non stop, flexing there muscles and bragging and that's when I just turned away and walked at a fast pace away, which took them surprise, and still they followed as I walked away, before one of them ran around me, stopping me from the front. I sighed, I was nervous. I started fiddling with my fingers,
"Who do you think you are," the Soc asked out of nowhere sounding mad.

I was pushed by him, before I could finish, just like that and I was caught by the other before he held my hands behind my back, to the point where it hurt, my arms were bent in ways they shouldn't be, I winced in pain, and looked up at the other who took a chance to punch me in my face. I stared at the ground unsure of how I was supposed to react, today was more ruined.

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