"No if somebody was out there I would've been said something." I nervously laughed.

"You lying." Jarvis took his hands out his pockets.

"No I'm not!" I sighed. "What'd you want anyway?" I asked.

"Mmhh, we came over here to ask why you being anti-social! All these people and you staring outta windows and shit!"

"Shut up! Where is my husband?" I asked looking around.

"He ain't ya husband yet stupid." Jarvis joked.

"He will be soon so be quiet..." I laughed.

Odell walked over to us and placed his arms around my waist, he kissed my cheek and I smiled.

"Thank you so much babe, I'm really enjoying myself."

"I'm glad you are.." He smiled and kissed my lips.

Odell went off with his dad and friends somewhere while I went to go look for Jennifer, she deserved a thanks you and a hug also. I found her sitting at a table talking to Hailey ..

"Hailey why don't you go help grandma and aunt Jazzy with the cake while I talk to Aunt Jennifer." I said

"Okay mommy.." Hailey said.

I sat down next to Jennifer and smiled at her.

"I just wanna say thank you..a lot. I know I haven't been the nicest person in the world to you and you still helped Odell with a baby shower for me. I think my brother has finally got the right one." I gave her a hug.

"Thank you so much Dani. It was no problem helping Odell, you've got a great future husband! He talked about you the whole time, he loves you so much." I smiled as she spoke

I loved Odell with everything in me, I never thought I'd find somebody that makes me feel the way he does.


"Why the fuck are we here?" My brother said irritatedly as we pulled into the parking lot of the banquet hall.

"They having a party here or some shit, I think it's a baby shower." I shrugged.

"A BABY SHOWER!?! Nigga they in there with they families and shit! Let them be happy!" He yelled.

"No! She suppose to be with me anyway.. Not him!!, He's gon be out the fucking picture soon and I'm gonna come in and she'll be with me."

"Just Stop!!! She doesn't want you! Let her be happy!!! I'm already pissed cuz you ruined my vacation to Florida! Now I'm missing the Empire marathon tonight cuz you wanna be fucking around with people!" He was pissed but I didn't care.

"You shut up, I need him gone!!!...just wait on it." I lit a blunt.

My brother rolled his eyes and put his headphones on..I got out the car and walked over to the banquet window. I just had to see Danielle. I knew she was looking beautiful..just as I thought, she was. She looked in my direction and I guess she seen me because she jumped and kinda screamed. I quickly got down so I wasn't in the window..about 30 minutes went by and this time she stared right at me with a blank face..I waved at her making her face go in shock and she kinda started to back up, but I ran back to the car because Jermaine and Jarvis came up too her. I got back in the car and patiently waited for the baby shower to end.


Once the baby shower had ended Jarvis, Jennifer and Kavarha all stayed to help clean up. It really wasn't much to clean up but we just had so many baby gifts to put in our car!.

"I just put the last gift In the trunk. You ready to go?" Odell said.

"Yeah, you gotta carry Hailey" I said pointing over to the way she was sleeping in the chair.

Odell carried Hailey out the door and held my hand as we walked to his car.

"You coming to the gym tomorrow?" Jarvis asked Odell.

"Yeah I got you." Odell replied.

I got in the passenger and put my seat belt on. Odell laid Hailey down in the backseat and put my jacket over her. Odell got in the drivers seat He stared at me with a smile. "You know I love you right."

"I know, I love you too." I kissed him

He was gonna speak but loud bangs that sounded like gun shots started to erupt. The car windows shattered and once the gun shots stopped, a black mysterious car peeled off. I looked next to me and saw Odell leaned over in the seat with his eyes closed.

"Odell...baby wake up." I shook him.

"DADDY!?!?!?" Hailey screamed.


Jarvis ran over to Odell's side of the car and opened the door.

"Oh Shit!!" Kavarha yelled.

Hailey started crying and screaming.

"GO GET SOME FUCKING HELP!!!!" Jarvis yelled at Kavarha

Jennifer took Hailey over to Jarvis's car as she ried. Everything happened so fucking fast! The police sirens and ambulance sirens grew closer as held onto Odell. I wasn't leaving his side at all. When the ambulance arrived they placed him on a stretcher and into the back of the ambulance. I stayed by his side holding his hand. The whole ride to the hospital I kept praying and praying and praying, if I lose Odell I don't know what I would do..


"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!!! You ain't shit about killing him!!!." My brother pushed me.

"What'd you think I was gon do? Ship him somewhere." I laughed.

"You said you was gon' catch him in a scandal or some shit! You ain't so you was gon kill you!!!" He kicked the trashcan

"Just chill out." I rolled my eyes.

"Chill out !?!? Chill out!?!? HIS DAUGHTER WAS IN THE CAR!!! HIS PREGNANT WIFE WAS IN THE CAR!!!.." He Pushed me into the floor and punched me multiple times.

"I took the fall for you once!! Never again! You on you're own with this shit" he walked away.

Love Don't Change..Odell Beckham JrWhere stories live. Discover now