Morgan Campbell Information

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Name: Morgan Campbell

Villain name: HellHound

Quirk/Power: Ultra Alaph Wolf

Arch Enemy: Eraserhead


Inko Midoriya- Apoted Mother

Hisashi Midoriya- Apoted Father

Kyle Murphy- Apoted Brother

Izuku Midoriya- Apoted Brother

Izumi Midoriya- Apoted Sister

Eri Midoriya- Apoted Niece

Villain Suit

Villain Suit

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Morgan is the No.5 most feared Villain and had to run away from UK because of Izumi for doing something and now he join the Midoriya family with Kyle because of Izumi and now he in Japan to have a normal life but still pissed at Izumi for this and she also told them not to use their power but Morgan and Kyle doesn't listen to her and still use their power and the heros don't know that the Midoriya family are the villians.

Words count: 134 words

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