Chapter Thirty-Three

Start from the beginning

I stop sweeping and look at the tall, strapping lad before me. "Do you want me to speak to him for me or for you?"

"Both." Nate says, grinning. "Definitely both."

"I think it's more for you."

"It would be nice," Nate is smiling. "If I didn't have to spend most of my days listening to the both of you pine after each other."

"It's not my fault you decided to make up with him. You could have stayed hating him, it would have helped me."

"I know," he says. The humor falling from his face a bit. "But he's a mess and I felt like he needed a friend."

Four days left until we break up for the summer. Then I won't see anyone for two months.

Nate, Reign, Jayne and I have found a house for next year. We're moving into together. Kerry got back together with Rory, and she's moving in with him, Jordan and a couple of the rugby boys.

That night, when I crawl into bed, the familiar ache of missing Jordan settles in my chest. My dreams are filled with him kissing me, touching me, telling me he misses me.

I wake up with a tear soaked pillow, but that's not uncommon these days. I go about my day as usual. I spend cheerleading practice messing everything up and getting shouted at. Then I'm late to work.

"You're late," Pete says. He's rarely ever down here with us. I wonder if he was waiting for me, trying to catch me out.

"I'm not," I insist. "I'm seconds early."

Pete laughs, "I'll let you off."

It's a busy night, busier than usual, made worse by the fact that Nate requested it off to go to some football match. The final of the world cup or something. I feel completely rushed off my feet, stressed, exhausted. I'm whizzing out beers as much as I possibly can.

My eyes catch a familiar shape at the end of the bar. I snap to it, focusing; only to find Nate and Jordan. Completely wrecked, arms on each other's shoulders, singing some kind of football song.

The song changes to chants of my name when their eyes land on me.

I start to panic, causing me to sweat more. I feel my hair start frizzing from the wetness.

I don't have my armour on. I'm not prepared to be in close proximity to him. I can't be in close proximity to him. How am I meant to work when he's there, leering at me. Eyes on me. Everything I've been dreaming about for months.

It's my second to last shift before I leave. I've managed to do my exams. I've managed to get through it all. This is meant to be fun. I'm meant to be enjoying myself.

What the bloody hell is Nate playing at, bringing Jordan here!

"We're drunk," Nate tells me as I reach them.

"I can see that." I try not to sound too cold, it's not like he's murdered my mother. He's only trying wear down my soul. "Nice time?"

"A bar crawl," Nate tells me. "This was the last stop."

"How convenient." I say. "Especially given you know my rota."

"You know her rota?" Jordan asks, it's the first time he's spoken. Even hearing his voice sends bolts through me. I can't look at him yet, not dead on. I just can't.

"Yeah, we're friends." Nate tells him. "We work together. Come on, you know that."

"Why do you know her rota?"

"I just told you why." Nate clasps a hand on his back. "Tell her your good news!"

"News?" I repeat. I'm trying not to look at Jordan, I really am, but my eyes are drawn to him like a moth to a flame.

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