Chapter Twenty

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Nate is leading me to the pub he works at. The first thing I promised mum when I set off for Oxford was that I would get a job. I haven't even bothered to try and now she's coming to visit it's become a pressing issue.

Nate works at the old man pub in town that closes at eleven and he said it's pretty easy. I've done waitressing and stuff before and this isn't exactly much different, but I'm still really nervous.

I have my hair slicked back into a bun, and I'm wearing my best black jeans and lucky black top. When we get there Nate leads me around the side and through a back door.

He's also all in black, wearing a muscle hugging top and his curly hair looks neater than normal. Somehow this makes him look a lot younger.

"You look like a maniac," he mutters to me as we weave around narrow halls at the back of the pub. "Stop smiling like that."

"Like what?"

He grits his teeth at me. "Like that. Relax, you'll be fine."

"I'm just tired." I say, "And nervous. Reign slept in my room last night and she wouldn't stop kicking me."

"I couldn't imagine sharing a bed with Reign. She'd probably murder me. You know last night she was leading the bar crawl? She somehow wrangled free drinks for a solid hour."

"That sounds about right. I went to bed early so I could be bright and bushy tailed for this trial."

"You shouldn't worry too much. Pete's a good guy, and this place never gets so busy it's hard work. Especially not on a Sunday." 

"I know, and I'm really grateful for you offering to put in a word for me. My mums coming on the weekend and I think she'll be worried if I don't have a job."

Nate leads me to a room with a few lockers, a kettle, microwave, table with two fold-out chairs, and a tiny adjoining room with a toilet and sink in. It's run down and smells musty, but it serves its purpose I suppose.

He hands me a black apron to tie around my waist saying, "Mummy Summers? What's she like?"

"If you like anything about me, just multiply that by ten." I tie the apron tight so it won't fall down. "I am who I am because of her."

"Oh." He's surprised. "You like your mum? She's pretty cool?"

I nod. "Yeah. She's amazing. Do you not like yours?"

He nods, "I do, a lot. But everyone else seems to avoid their parents. Mum had six of us. I've got four sisters and a brother. She did a great job. Dad's a managing director of a financial firm so he's never really home. It was just mum and her huge brood."

"Wow, I can't even imagine having a family that big."

"It's just you and your mum?"

"Yeah." We both fall silent and I check the clock, worried I'm now going to be late. "Who do I need to report to? Like, should I let anyone know I'm here?"

Nate laughs. "You'll love this, actually. I'm the supervisor in charge today. When your four hours is up, Pete, the manager, will come and ask me what I think. I'll give him a nod and he'll like you without ever talking to you."

"Why? Because you like me?"

"No. Because you're fit."

I scoff at that, but he isn't smiling. "Isn't that a little misogynistic?"

Nate shrugs. "Isn't that the whole problem with the patriarchy? I don't think it's right but Pete likes a pretty girl cos it means the lonely locals are happy."

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