"I ask you to affirm your willingness to enter the covenant of marriage and to share all the joys and sorrows of your lives and your relationship, whatever the future may hold"

"Adam, do you take this woman to be your wife? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?" Carol asks

Adam then looks at me with the biggest smile on his face before speaking "I do"

"Lilah, do you take this man to be your husband? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?" Carol asks me

I look Adam straight in the eyes with the biggest smile that has ever been on my face  "I do"

"Adam, repeat after me. I take you, Lilah Bethany Halstead, this day as my wife. I promise to walk by your side forever as your best friend and your soul mate. You are my beloved one and I am proud to marry you. I promise to support your dreams and to be there for you all our lives" Carol states 

"I take you, Lilah Bethany Halstead, this day as my wife. I promise to walk by your side forever as your best friend and your soul mate. You are my beloved one and I am proud to marry you. I promise to support your dreams and to be there for you all our lives" Adam repeats

"Lilah, repeat after me. I take you, Adam Bob Ruzek, this day as my husband. I promise to walk by your side forever as your best friend and your soul mate. You are my beloved one and I am proud to marry you. I promise to support your dreams and to be there for you all our lives" Carol states 

"I take you, Adam Bob Ruzek, this day as my husband. I promise to walk by your side forever as your best friend and your soul mate. You are my beloved one and I am proud to marry you. I promise to support your dreams and to be there for you all our lives" I repeated 

"From the earliest times, the circle has been a symbol of completeness, a symbol of committed love. An unbroken and never-ending circle symbolizes a commitment of love that is also never-ending. This ring should be a reminder of the commitment to love each other that you have made today" the Officiant stated and then spoke again.

"Adam, repeat after me. I, Adam Bob Ruzek, give you, Lilah Bethany Halstead, this ring as a symbol of my commitment to love, honor, and respect you.

" I, Adam Bob Ruzek, give you, Lilah Bethany Halstead, this ring as a symbol of my commitment to love, honor, and respect you" Adam repeated

"Lilah, repeat after me. I, Lilah Bethany Halstead, give you, Adam Bob Ruzek, this ring as a symbol of my commitment to love, honor, and respect you" the officiant states

"I, Lilah Bethany Halstead, give you, Adam Bob Ruzek, this ring as a symbol of my commitment to love, honor, and respect you" I repeated whilst looking at Adam

"Adam and Lilah, you have now affirmed your love for each other before your family and friends. You have come from different background, have walked different paths. You are different individuals. Your love has transcended these differences. In the years before you may the richness of the traditions that have nurtured you enhance and brighten your lives as you help to create and shape the future" Carol state to me and Adam

May God bless you and keep you. Adam and Lilah, by the power vested in me, and the state of Illinois,  I now pronounce you husband and wife. Adam, you may kiss the bride" Carol states and Adam wastes no time in pulling me into for the most passionate kiss that we have ever shared. 

After the kiss me and Adam signed our marriage certificate, we left City Hall and headed to a small cafe, so that we could use their bathroom, so that we could change out of our wedding outfits before heading the district for work. But my mind is still going a million miles and hour with just pure happiness because I'm just over the moon that me and Adam are finally married after being together for over  10 years. It's a dream come true and I know Adam will probably agree with me on that one.

All I'm hoping for is a good reaction from my brother and the rest of Intelligence when we arrive. But me and Adam will most likely be bombarded with the same questions that are running through our minds such as:

Why are you both late?

Where the hell have you been?

What caused you to be late because you guy are never late?

As soon as myself and Adam were changed, we hopped back into the truck and headed to the district. And for the first time as a married couple. As Adam was driving, I gently grabbed his free hand and held it. 

"I can't believe we're married babe!" I said excitedly whilst looking at Adam

"Nor can I baby girl" Adam told me as he glanced over at me before diverting his eyes back on the road ahead of him. 

After a 10 minute drive, we pulled up at the district. Both of us grabbed our bag and walked into the districts but as we approached the gate to head up to intelligence, we hear the voice of the lovely Trudy Platt. 

"Ruzek, Halstead. Get over here" the desk sergeant said and we both headed over to the front desk. 

"Where the hell have you both been this morning?" Trudy askes us and both me and Adam get extremely nervous. Adam was lost for words, so I decided to speak up. 

"Me and Adam got married at City Hall this morning, that's why we were late in" I state and watched the desk Sergeants eyes go wide

"Well congratulations you two. But you better head upstairs before Voight starts wondering where you are!" Trudy states to the two detectives

"Yes Sarge " Adam and I said in unison before we headed to the gate, Adam scanned his palm print and typed the code in for the gate and we both headed up the stairs to the bullpen and as soon as we got to the top of the stairs, all eyes where on use and the glare we got from Voight was really serious, before he spoke up. 

"Care to explain where you have been this morning. We tried ringing both your cells, but they were switched off. Also would you like to explain why you weren't here when I got in this morning. Your both normally hear before I am but today you were not. So, I'm going to ask... Where were you?" Voight told me and Adam sternly. Then I spoke up

"We were at City Hall Sarge" I answered, whilst looking directly at Voight 

"And why were you two at City Hall?" Voight then questioned and then Adam spoke up 

"Me and Lilah got married at City Hall this morning" Adam answered, causing the rest of the unit to look at us in shock. But out the corner of my eye, I could see a smile on Jay's face because he knew that me and Adam wanted to get married as soon as we could and he respected our decision of getting married at City Hall, instead of having a lavish wedding with loads of guests. But then Voight spoke up again. 

"Just because you were late today, you are both on desk duty and doing paperwork. Is that clear?" Voight stated 

"Yes that's clear sarge" Adam and I stated in unison, before both of us headed to our desks, sat down and cracked on with the piles of paperwork that were sat there. It was literally write up some old case notes, doing some arrest packs and signing off some cases that were complete. 

This was not how me and Adam imagined out first day of married life would start. With us practically being benched and put on desk duty to complete paperwork. How boring could that be. But tonight, I'm going to make it special for Adam with a cheeky surprise when we get home. 


Hi Everyone, 

Sorry for not posting for ages! I have been super busy with work and not getting home till late. The updates on this book are going to be a little bit slower on this book for a while, as I am working on a couple of new ideas for books. 

Hope you all keeping well!!

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