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Monday morning came around in the blink of an eye. Spending the weekend in bed with my boyfriend, was the best thing that I have done in a long time. I didn't have much downtime when I was in the Navy. I was a proper workaholic, doing the small jobs that members of my team could be bothered to do or weren't capable of doing or were just being pure lazy. With people being pure lazy whilst working, just does my head in. When something needs to be done, just do and if you are not sure about what to do, then ask for help. 

Waking up in the arms of my boyfriend is the best feeling in the entire world. Feeling Adam roll over to switch the alarm off, I bury my face in my pillow and let out a slight groan. I don't particularly want to get up, but it's my first day at Intelligence and I'm looking forward to it because I'm working with my brother, boyfriend and best friends. I feel Adam wrapping his arm around my shoulder, trying to wake me up.

"Come on baby! Time to get up, we've got to be at work in an hour" Adam said softly

I lift my face out of my pillow and turn my head towards my boyfriend who is already smiling. 

"Mondays are the worst" I mumble 

"I know they are but we have to get up for work and you don't want to be late for your first day at work," Adam told me causing me to groan and then I finally decided to get out of bed and go for a shower, whilst Adam went to the kitchen to make breakfast. 

After having a nice shower, I went over to my closet and grabbed my khaki green long sleeve top and then head to my drawers to grab my light blue high-waisted jeans and my belts. I put my clothes on and start brushing my hair as I walk out to the kitchen, just as I finish brushing my hair and putting it in a ponytail. 

"Scrambled egg and bacon for my beautiful girlfriend," Adam said as I enter the kitchen.

"Thank you, babe. It smells amazing! It definitely better than what you get served on a Navy Ship." I answered with a smile making Adam smile as well. 

After eating breakfast, we both grabbed our jackets and Adam grabbed his gun, badge and keys before we both headed out the front door to head to the district. With Adam getting in the driver's seat and me into the passenger seat, we drive for about 20 minutes to get to work. My mind is going pretty fast, as it is the first time in nearly 10 years I've started a new job. All I've ever known is the Navy.

Pulling up into the parking lot at the district, this moment felt so surreal for me. Getting to work with my boyfriend and brother is going to be fun. Getting out of the car, I take a deep breath in, before entering the 21st district with Adam, I was immediately greeted by Desk Sergeant Trudy Platt.

"Is that Lilah Halstead I'm seeing or am I dreaming?" Trudy said 

I turned around and looked at her. 

"You're not dreaming Trudy. It's really me" I said in response before walking up to the desk and giving the older lady a hug. 

"When I heard you left the Navy and was joining Intelligence, I was shocked. Now, here is your badge and police-issued gun. Now go and take Ruzek upstairs as he's starting to look like a lost puppy" the desk sergeant said, just as I was walking away from the desk. 

"Come on Adam, let's get upstairs, so I can see the team and I don't want to be late on my first day now, do I," I told him. Adam just nodded and put the code in for the gate that leads up to the bullpen. 

Arriving in the bullpen, everyone turned to look at me with big smiles on their face and then Jay walked over to me and gave me a big brotherly hug before walking further into the bullpen, to where I found my desk situated in front of Adam's. Just as I take my jacket off, Hank walks out of his office to then head over to the whiteboard and starts placing pictures on the board and once the final three pictures was placed on the board, my eyes widened because I knew the faces. The first two where involved in the incident on board the Navy ship I was on, when I was coming back from my final tour with the Navy and the final picture is of someone who is known to Five-0. I get up out of my chair and walk up to the board to get a closer look.

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