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Six weeks had gone by since I had to take Grace back to Hawaii but being back in Chicago is better than anything. Nothing much has happened since my return from my brief trip. There have been some small cases but nothing major. Even the paperwork for the small cases can mount up to look like Mount Everest. 

Standing in the break room, my mind is thinking about some of the choices that I have made in my life. In the back of my mind, its thinking, why the girl that I considered a best friend, pushed me overboard, still hasn't been caught and still at large. It's making me feel sick to the bone with worry. I swear to god she out there to get me. To most possibly kill me and I know that I shouldn't think like that but I can't help it. I want this to be over and I just want her and her partner in crime out of my life, once and for all. Thinking about all of this is making my head hurt and I could feel a migrane starting. Placing bothing of my hands on the counter for support, I bow my head down to try and block some of the light out but I doesn't seem to be working, so I walk over to the couch and lie down for a nap but just as I do that, my brother and boyfriend walk in. 

"Hey sis, you alright?" Jay questions 

"Lilah, you've gone a bit pale, girl" Adam stated 

"I'm starting to get a migrane and you to yapping on, isn't helping me at all" I barked making the two men look at me, causing me to sigh and get up from the couch. 

"I'm gonna talk to Voight and see if I can go home, becaus, feeling like this, I won't be able to work or even focus if we get an important case. I just need some rest and I'll be as bright as a button for tomorrow" I told my brother and boyfriend, just as I was walking out of the break room, into the bull pen toward Voight's office. Once I approach the office, I knock on the door and her his gruff voice, telling me to come in. I open the door walk into the office and close the door behind me. 

"Lilah, what can I do for you?" he asks 

"Sarge, is it alright if I head home. I'm starting to get a migrane and I wont be any use to the team if I can't focus or concentrate if we get a case and I'll be alot better for tommorrow" I stated to the boss. 

"That's completely fine by me. Get some rest, keep your fluids up and I'll see you in the morning" Voight said and I nodded in response, leaving his office and walking through the bullpen and down the corridor to the locker room to grab my jacket and bag. 

As I was closing my locker, the door opened and I could see Adam, standing in the doorway looking at me with his usual cheeky smile. 

"Oh babe, I hate it when your ill and I can't comfort you," Adam said softly

"I know, but I'll be fine. I'll text you when I get home, so you know that I'm safe, alright" I told my boyfriend and Adam looked at me sweetly and walked over to me. 

"I love you so much and I'll see you later. I'll bring home an extra cheesy pizza for you" Adam answered and I just nodded in response. We both walk out of the locker room and he places a kiss on the top of my head. 

I walked down the stair, and told Trudy that I was heading home because I wasn't feeling well. Luckily me and Adam brought our own trucks with us today. I got in my truck and headed for home, which I was pleased about. Working with a migraine is never the answer. The drive to mine and Adam's apartment was only about 20 minutes from the district which wasn't too bad. Pulling up outside the apartment building, I put my truck into park, take the key out of the ignition, got out and headed inside. Normally, I would take the stairs but I was just feeling lazy, so I took the elevator. The door opened and I walked in and pressed 3 because me and Adam live on the 3rd floor. Once the elevator came to a stop, I walk out and within a few steps I could see the door to the apartment open, so I draw my gun from my holster and carefully open the door.

Lieutenant CommanderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon