After an hour, the nurse came to his room and informed him that she gave her shots. He nodded and she went out.

After few minutes, he went to her room and saw her still lying on her stomach. As he moved closer, he heard her sobbing sound more.

"Hey, what happened?" He touched her shoulder and tried to turn her.

She only cried harder. He turned her slowly on her left side and wiped her tears. She hiccuped heavily. He grabbed a water bottle and asked her to drink slowly but she shook her head.

"Please drink this. Don't cry, you will be dehydrated" he said and took the bottle near her mouth. She sipped two times and showed her hand to stop.

"What happened? Why are you crying this much?" he asked still not getting anything as it is completely new to him.

"H-hurts" she hiccuped. First, he doesn't understand anything but later he got it.

"Is it that much painful? Did she rub the place well?" he asked.

She nodded still yet crying slowly. He just felt bad for her.

"It's okay, don't cry. It will reduce" he said trying to console her.

"No, I c...can't handle t...this pain. Pl...please discharge me" she said shocking the hell out of him.

"What? First stop crying please" he said losing his patience. She slowly hiccuped and stopped crying.

She slowly looked at him with her painful looks. She couldn't able to lie on her back so she layed on her right side looking at him. He sighed and sat in the chair.

"Tell me what happened?" he asked slowly while calming himself.

"I didn't thought that it would pain this much. I seriously can't handle it. And don't get me wrong, the nurse was also very harsh that she doesn't even cared a little while stabbing. I think now that I definitely can't handle this pain for 15 more days" she whispered with more fear in her eyes.

He sighed and looked at her deeply.

"See, first know about your condition well or even if you don't know, ask me. Second, you can't just quit so soon. Third, right now you don't have any other option than this treatment" he said calmly.

She just shook her head and looked down while forming a fresh set of tears in her eyes.

"It's too painful" she said while taking her hands to her back and rubbing her skin over the clothes.

He took his phone out and called someone. He stood up and went outside. After few minutes, he came inside and handed his phone to her. She looked at the caller id and it was her professor.

He slowly gave her confidence and convinced her somehow. The call was ended.

"You can trust me and I will try to give my full support. You can take me as your friend and be frank with me about any uncomfortable during the stay here. Now, don't think about anything. Just sleep well" he said smiling at her. She looked at him assuringly.

"Thank you" that's all she replied with her still resisting pain. He went out.

She tried her best to sleep with that pain. Atlast, she slept.

The next morning, she woke up and did her work slowly. Soon, Sunil entered carrying a report. She smiled at him and he too did the same.

"Had any drink and breakfast?" He asked her.

"Yeah, nurse bought me coffee and breakfast too" she replied.

"Hmm but from tomorrow, try to drink any fresh juice in an empty stomach because you need more energy other than this IV" he said smiling and she nodded at him silently.

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