Chapter twenty-three

Start from the beginning

Max's pov:

"Mommy, why is Maxie crying?" Penelope asked Kelly as I had just finished talking with Charles. We were sitting at the balcony in my apartment eating some food. I looked at Kelly, and she immediately saw something was wrong. "Honey, it's fine. Go inside and play on your ipad" she said and Penelope jumped down her chair and went inside, happy that she could get some ipad time..

"What is it!" she said and sat next to me, while holding me tight. "It's Olivia, she was in a car accident, she's in surgery, and she had a heart attack.. I have to leave!" I said and started crying again. "Oh god no, please go! She needs you more than anyone, she would like you to be there when she comes out of surgery" she said and a few tears also rolled down her cheeks..

I had quickly packed a little suitcase and was on my way to the airport, as I got a text from Daniel. He had heard the horrible news as well, and wanted to come with me. So we agreed to meet in the airport.. On the way there I thought everything through, I can't lose my sister. She is my world, I love her with all my heart, she's the best person ever..

"Max!" Daniel called as he spotted me waiting for him. "Hi Daniel" I said and pulled him into a hug, we both had a sad and worried look on our faces. "I can't lose her, Daniel," I said.. "I know me neither, but it's Olivia! She will get through this, she's a fighter" Daniel said trying to comfort me, even though he was pretty worried himself.

The entire way there we didn't talk much because we both were scared. I kept refreshing my messages to see if there were any updates, but nothing came.. I was thinking every possible scenario through. What if she doesn't make it, then the last memory I have of her is her storming out of my driver's room angry at me and the last conversation is the two of us arguing, this can't be the end.. She will not die like this.. I know she will make it, she is a fighter and she just has to fight like she never did before, this is not the time to let go.

After a few hours we arrived at the hospital, where I saw my dad, Victoria, Charles and my mom who had arrived from belgium. They were all sitting in the waiting room. Mom and dad were talking, while dad held Victoria close. Charles was sitting alone in his own world looking out of the window, he looked devastated and sad, he had bruises on him, blood on his clothes and a bandage on his forehead. I felt sorry for him, for the first time ever.. I walked towards my family where they all hugged me, we all cried and held each other tight, praying to hear some updates soon. They all hugged Daniel too, he was almost a part of the family.

Daniel's pov:

I had just said hi to the Verstappen family, and then I spotted Charles sitting all alone looking out of the window. He had tears rolling down his cheeks and didn't even see me walking closer towards him, not until I said something.. "Hi Charles!" I said and sat next to him, placing my arm around his shoulders. "Oh, hi Daniel.. I thought you had left for Australia a week ago?" He asked. "That was the plan, but plans changed. And thank god I wasn't in Australia right now!" I said.. "Yes, thanks for coming"..

I sat next to Charles the whole time, since I knew Max wasn't gonna sit with him and the others were sitting together. "Family of Olivia Verstappen?" the surgeon asked as she walked out here. We all five got up and listened to her. "So the surgery was successful, we stopped the bleeding and her liver is all good now. She is being taken to recovery now" she said and smiled. We all smiled and cried a bit, but we were relieved, she survived surgery.

"When can we see her?" Max asked. "Not everyone can see her, two people can," the surgeon said. We walked about who should see her, and agreed that Max and Charles should see her, and then the three of us would wait until she is better.. "Will she be awake?" Max asked again, Charles stayed silent but thanked us for letting him see her. "We don't know yet, she is not awake at the moment, but time will tell.." she said..

Then Max and Charles followed her.

Charles pov:

Max and I followed the surgeon into a room in the recovery part of the hospital. I was very thankful and relieved that the surgery went well.. "So she may still look a bit beaten up, but that's totally normal" she said and opened the door to the room, we both nodded.

We walked inside, my sight met the hospital bed with Olivia laying there. "I'll give you some time," the surgeon said and left the room. "Thank you" I said and so did Max.

We walked to each side of her, got a chair and sat down. She looked beautiful even though she had bruises and was connected to a few machines, she is always very beautiful.

I took her hand, it was great touching her again, since I thought I would never be able to do it again. A few tears rolled down my cheek, but this time it was happy tears, now she just has to wake up, come on Oli..

"Thanks for taking care of her, Charles" Max said out of nowhere.. "Of course, I will do nothing else than take care of her, she's very important to me" I answered a bit shocked that he would even talk to me, since this was the first time he talked to me ever since he arrived, he smiled a bit about my answer. "That's good, but promise me to never break her heart!" Max said. "I will never do such a thing, she deserves the world, and I will give her that" I said and kept looking at her, her hands were cold, so I warmed them with mine.. "Listen, I'm still not a huge fan of you guys being together, but when she wakes up, the three of us need to talk," he said and looked at me. "Sure, let's do it," I answered. The tension between us was intense, since we still clearly didn't like each other, but we managed to keep our problems out of this situation right now, since this was about Olivia, nothing or no one else..

"I can't handle the wait anymore, I'm gonna head out" Max said impatiently. "Okay, I'm gonna stay, I'll text you if something happens?" I asked him, and he nodded.Then he left the room and closed the door, it was now only the two of us..

I scrolled through twitter and saw a few tweets about the accident, apparently some people found out we were involved, so the media blew up about us. People were really worried. I didn't feel like giving any statement right now, not until she woke up.. I received a lot of messages from friends and a lot of the drivers, everyone asking if it was true. I couldn't bear to answer them right now, so I just put my phone down again and moved the chair closer to the bed. I kept holding her hand while resting my head on the bed. I kept hoping for her to wake up anytime soon, but the doctor told us it could take around a few hours to a few days, no one really knows.


(2826 words)

Not much to say really.. Thanks for reading along, and let's hope Olivia will wake up soon enough. - Oh and what does Max want to talk with them both about..? Hopefully he won't cause more drama!..

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