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Y/n : yes yoongi let's go!!.. I changed my total outfit since I knew Yoongi wouldn't have any problem with it. He never judged my appearance. He always loved what I wore so this time I wore a colorful wig and a sexy outfit!!..
Yoongi : when we were about to go I got a call… I picked it up and after speaking I ended the call and we headed off to the biggest mafia and gangsters event!!..

I and y/n stayed all quiet In the entire way of our drive , I saw her she had different emotions filled inside her which I guess my eyes hadn't seen till now but is that true what I am thinking am I overthinking should I do this will it be right to do this or I must just think only about me!!...what will I even do even if I think about me I must go on her opinions too!!.."y/n so you love me!!.." I asked her out during the ending of our ride!!.. but I saw she was lost in her thoughts and didn't reply to me . Instead she was playing with her fingers with nothing but only sadness filled in her. I came to know why it was!!..

I guess I must do it!!.. We reached our destination as we both entered the ball and saw all the mafias and gangsters enjoying many girls dancing In the middle of the stage and teasing men to gain some money , I took y/n's hand in mine and went inside the main venue hall where we privately celebrated !!.. I made y/n sit in a safe place and sat with her in our venue. There were no more girls who were performing!!!.. so it was quite silent!!.. I got another important phone call as I left that place Because the voice wasn't audible to me …..
Jimin : I reached the ball and started to search for y/n…

I went to our private venue and saw her sitting there with a new outfit she had wore a wig haa you thought I won't identify you such a dumb trick the face which I use to draw I know each and every curve of her face son if she tries to destroy her face too ill identify her easily!!.. because I don't love her for sexual desires, I loved her from my true heart, and emotions!!.. I called her name as she lifted her head up, She seemed depressed, I guess it's because of me!!.
Y/n: he came here too and how the fuck did he recognise me!!... I got up from my place and went to the third venue ignoring him!!..
Jimin : y/n wait listen to me please hear me out once I grabbed her by her wrist as she turned towards me!!.
Y/n : leave me who the hell are you? I don't speak or hear to strangers!!..
Jimin : y/n I know you are angry with me!.       

I am really sorry for that, but please hear me out once it's really serious, your life is in danger!!..
Y/n : ohh really from whom, tell me I lived happily these years but when I came here my life turned into a living hell and my life isn't at risk from anyone none other than you so I am saying this to you the last time just leave my hand!!..
JImin : y/n I am Serious please believe me!!..
Y/n : ohh is it ok then if I have to die let me just die peacefully why do you even care , Because you wanna show that you are guilty and you are playing all these tricks haa tell me just leave my hand I said as I yanked my hand hardly from his grip and freed my hand in anger!!..
Jimin : you are not trying to understand y/n please don't go there..
Y/n : Ok So let me guess today you didn't have any sluts of your's so you have come here to fulfill it through me am I right!!..

Jimin : What do you think? I have come here for that sake! No y/n you are wrong . I hated this party always but I had to come because it is compulsory for us mafia's to attend this meetings , I never liked to see those girls dancing with those clothes here you think that I am here for my needs it's not what you think I am saying you the truth y/n please for fuck sake believe me for once ..
Y/n : ohh so you hate those girls who are dancing there right!, ok then fine! You must hate me too, cause I am also gonna dance there now. I want you to hate me and leave me forever!!..
Jimin : y/n no please don't go there it's a risk to your own life..

Y/n : I straight away went to that stage where there were men too . I didn't care since I wanted him to just hate me cause his love has just become a toxic poison to me!!.. I started to dance, I saw him going and sitting on his couch eyeing me with Emotionless eyes.. I turned back not wanting to see his face but then little me didn't knew that me trying to make him hate me will turn out into my danger in real … a guy standing on the stage started to touch me I tried to free myself but his hands were tight enough as he removed a knife "jimin……" I shouted Jimin's name!!..
Jimin : I got up from my seat and ran to y/n as my veins got on top,my anger ranged as I punched that man hard and stabbed that knife inside him continuously!!.. I heard firing sound I got up and hid y/n back of me covering her backside me from my hands to make sure she was safe I took out my gun and started to fire soon the venue turned into dead blood Venue I took y/n wrist and ran outside the third venue when someone from back shot my hand "ahh''....

Y/n : jimin are you fine…
Jimin : I saw Yoongi Hyung come inside the second venue , " y/n go Hyung is there , yoongi Hyung y/n is here someone wants to kill her take her away from here go save here I'll handle over here .
Yoongi : I was confused but then took y/n and ran out. I saw she had tears in her eyes for jimin….
Jimin : you coward if you had true guts you shouldn't have shot from behind I said and knocked out his head I shoot many people as my hand 's blood was flowing continuously,  I sat on the ground leaning my back on the wall, cause now I had no more bullets in my gun and I waited for my own death ready to say bye from this world since I have no reason to live on this earth!!.. but then suddenly a bullet sound was heard and two stood in front of me .. I looked up and saw Tae, and mark shooting the rest of the people…

Tae : Mark!! take jimin out I'll handle them I have my guns loaded he always forgets extra bullets just take this dumbass out!!..

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