Addicted to living (connor angst, implied kleinphy)

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Tw: suicidal thoughs

The sound of Connor's boots stomping loudly against the mostly empty halls as he makes his way to his next class was the loudest noise in the hallway at the time. He grumbles, crumpling the letter into a ball and shoving it into his pocket.

Tears prickled the corners of his eyes, god why did today have to be so shit? Well, it's not like he'll be around to find out if tomorrow would be better. Why should he even bother showing up to class? He could just ditch right now and get it over with.

He didn't, after a brief five second consideration, he decided. The school would probably call his mom and she'd find him somewhere, and then send him off to rehab or another shitty hospital.

He opened the door to his class, he was only a few minutes late so the teacher was still assigning seats.

He made his way to the back of the room where everyone else who hadn't been assigned yet stood, fidgeting with his hands inside of the pockets of his jacket. He wasn't really listening to the names the teacher listed out until one caught his attention.

"Eli Kleinman?"

He turned his head, oh of fucking course Jared was in this class. Jared, who was leaning against the back counter, rolled his eyes at the name.

"Jared Kleinman." He corrected, before sitting down at his seat, shoving his worn backpack underneath his desk. The teacher scribbled something down on his clipboard, most likely correcting the name written down. Then he went back to listing.

"Connor Murphy?" Fuck.

He mumbled under his breath, fate's just fucking with him now at this point isn't it? Out of all the seats in the entire class he got landed in the one right next to him. Of course. Why wouldn't he get this screwed over?

He sat down, digging through his bag for his pencil case and some paper. He took out the supplies and set them on his desk. He looked up, watching as the teacher struggled to turn on the projector, he aggressively clicked the buttons on the remote huffing in annoyance.

That's when he noticed Jared staring at him, yep, this is exactly what he expected. He's gonna say some shitty insult and the entire class is gonna hear and stare at him and laugh.

"Yo, Murphy?"


" you have a spare pencil?" He asked, tapping his finger against his desk repeatedly. Connor squinted at him, trying to detect any sense of mockery. Eventually, he slowly slid a pencil over to him, still tense.

He didn't stop looking at him though, it was almost as if he was inspecting him. He was probably looking for more insult fodder, or just waiting for the right chance to-

"Yknow, I wasn't joking when I said your hair looked nice."

Wait.. what?

"Well I mean the school shooter part was a joke, obviously. But like- yeah it looks cool." He shrugged, going back to scribbling on his page. He wasn't taking notes or even drawing, just scribbling.

"Huh." Was all that Connor managed to get out, he didn't really know if he should say anything else. Should he thank him? Or- compliment him back? He wasn't really used to people saying nice things about him so he didn't know how to respond, so he just didn't.

He started taking notes, actually reading the words that had finally been shone onto the projector. Something pulled at his chest, tugging at him.


Just maybe

He'd show up to school another day.

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Nov 28, 2022 ⏰

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