Chapter 7: Who?

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"You fell in love with him again didn't you?"

Choi said as he continued to drive while I sat on the back seat confused. "I don't understand" I said and he gave me a small smile and said..

"Give some thoughts to my words. I'm sure you'll get it"

Before I could even utter a word, we were home and one of the maids held the car door open for me as I came out and went straight to my room.

I kept my bag in its place and changed into a random outfit real quick and plopped into the bed and closed my eyes for a second and then reached out for my phone and started scrolling randomly.

Just then words of Mr. Choi striked in my mind. Fell in love with Yoongi again?

If I were asked to be honest, I won't lie but there was this one time 4 years ago when I kinda fell in love with him.

Don't judge me, I'm just being honest. Back then I was nothing but just a lonely immature child or maybe still am. In those times as well my parents were too busy to earn money that most of the time I was in my room all by myself.

That time me and Yoongi were not in bad terms yet so he was the only one who would talk to me when I was sad or would love to hear how my day went. For these things I've never had my parents by my side.

I didn't have any friends other than Yoongi that time. Not even Royals cause I rarely ever talked to them in that time period so days went by with either me annoying Yoongi or him trying to braid my hair a thousand times still failing to make one perfectly.

Maybe because he was the only one with me in those days became the reason I started growing feelings for him.

But those didn't last for long. Right after they stopped growing when we both started to fight and grow apart. Maybe when I was 15 we started to be in bad terms. We would not talk to each other anymore and won't even look at each other.

All of that happened because of my immature self.

It was around this time of year. I don't remember exactly what happened but I was too upset compared to the other times. I think I was upset about something with my parents and blah blah blah. I didn't eat or listened to anyone like a brat and threw tantrums like a kid.

That day I went to Yoongi to tell him about what was happening in my life lately and he was not ready to listen this time because his mom's death anniversary was coming closer and he was loosing his mind. I was too focused on my own problem that I forgot about his and said him very mean stuffs that probably hurt him.

I remember telling him he is not worth being called a friend and he focuses only on his own problems and takes mines lightly. I also said that he took me for granted and cared least about me. Although he didn't cry infront of me I knew he later on did because of me.

Now I wish there was someone who would slap me and ask me to stop acting like a little bitch and get my act up together. I was so angry on him that I refused to go together to his mother's grave on her death anniversary. Yoongi had to go all by himself in heavy rain that day to grave yard and there were none to accompany him.

I think this will be the first time after all that old childish argument we go together to see his mom.

After that I didn't go together with him and would rather go all by myself but I never missed to attend a single death anniversary of his Mom.

So yeah this is how my past is with Yoongi. Now you'd understand why I reacted awkwardly when I saw him in Music Room-

*knock* *knock*

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by someone knocking I'm the door.

"Who's there?" I called out but got no response and after a while I heard those knocks again.

"Who?" I called out again but no response.

Being annoyed I finally opened the door and saw two people I didn't expect to see.

My Mom and Dad.

They stood there holding a cake in their hands which had my name written on it along with Happy Birthday.

"Mom. Dad" i stood there speechless not expecting them to be here today.

"Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to youu! Happy birthday our sunshine Y/niee!" They sang and I was a bit teary. I seriously didn't expect them to come to me suddenly all the way from a different country.

Behind them stood Mr. Choi and Ajhumma as everyone clapped.

Mom and dad handed the cake to Mr. Choi as I ran to them and hugged them tightly. "Mom Dad i missed you so muchhh" I said to them.

They hugged me back and replied me saying "We too".

"Aigoo my daughter turned 19 today!" My mom said as she pulled my cheeks.

"Wait it's midnight already?" I asked.

"Yepp it is" my mom said.

"I can't belive my daughter has grown up so much! Feels like you were 5 years old a few days ago and now are already a grown up woman!" My dad said with a smile.

"Aishh dad don't say like as if I've grown so old. I'm still your little princess" I said showing my cheeks.

"Alright alright now cut the cake"

Like that they made me cut the cake and blow the candles. The night went on like this and I didn't even realise when Sun rose again and I was asleep on my mom's arms.

This gotta be the best day everrr!

Time suddenly passed so fast like a flash and again I have to go to the most irritating place to ever exist.

That's okay I guess? Anyways let's just get over today.

-Time Skips-

So...yeah school I'm back. What are you thinking? Expecting a drama? Maybe there will be one but not now cause people here are too lazy start a drama early in the morning.

Just when I thought the day was going beautiful and fine someone really had to change my mind.

I was minding my own business when someone actually had to push me and walk away when the entire hallway was almost empty!

It was a girl with a boy. She turned around and looked at me with a bratty smile and said "ah...mianhae" with a sarcastic tone.

I thought people here are actually too lazy to start a drama but guess newbies are not.

Looks like someone wants to start a drama with me.

But little she should have known is that she chose the wrong fish in the sea.

"Oh my my! Wrong person newbie"

Drama will be there. Doesn't matter if it is some bratty kid who starts or I end it.

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