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"when i suggested giving your side of the room a makeover, i did not have ted bundys pinterest in mind," enid stated.

"still not as creepy as your stuffed unicorn collection," wednesday spoke.

" is this why you snuck out last night?" enid asked.

"thing and i may have made an unsactioed trip to the morgue to copy the files of the monsters victims,"

"okay, there are so many levels of ew in that statement. and i dont even know where to begin,"

"i need to get inside its head. discover any patterns or anomilies. i've already made a big discovery," wednesday says, turning to the board. "turns out all of the monsters victims have had body parts surgically removed." wednesday walks over to enid, showing her the photos. " The first one, a kidney. the second, a finger"

"wednesday, i dont really feel," enid said.

"third, a gall bladder, and the bearded man from the meeting house, two toes. do you understand what this means? these murders aren't mindless, he's collecting trophies like a seasoned serial killer. it's quite impressive, actually." wednesday finishes talking and enid passes out. "fetch the smelling salts, again,"


"while the plants reward their pollinators with sweet nectar, many carnivorous varieties turn to sexual trickery or deception," mrs.thornhill speaks. xavier reaches down, grabbing something and sighing, causing me to look at him.

"i tweaked my back fencing," he says.

"the orchid produces a pheromone that mimics a female insect, luring the males in. now, once the plant is pollinated, what do the male insects get in exchange?" mrs.thornhill speaks from the front of the class.

"nada. just like all the guys at the rave'N." bianca says as a few people laugh.

" ok, ok. i know you're all excited about Saturday, which is why I haven't assigned any homework." mrs.thornhill says as people cheer, "but I do still need volunteers for the decorating committee. anyone interested, come and see me up here,"

"wait, you're not gonna volunteer? aren't you pumped about disco balls and spiked punch? there's even a dj. mc blood suckeraz," xavier speaks.

"i'd rather stick needles in my eyes," i said.

"or you could invite someone and have a little fun," xavier says, putting his book away. while he leans over i notice cuts on his neck.

"i might go, but dancing isn't for me. and i if i did go, who are my options to go with?" i said, grabbing my bag and standing up to walk out.

"you could go with wednesday, as friends. or you know, you could go with me," xavier spoke while we walked out the door.

"wednesday doesn't do this stuff, i'd be surprised if she even had the slightest thought of coming," i explained while we walked back to main entrance. "i might ask you. if i decide to go,"

"and i might say yes, if you decide to ask,"


"come on," wednesday spoke as we approached a shed thing.

"wednesday, what do we do if xavier catches us?" i questioned.

"you keep watch and if you see him you tell me, i hide, and you distract him while i leave. ask him to the dance or something,"

"i can do that," i said, as xavier walks out of the shed. "be fast," i spoke as wednesday runs over to the shed with thing. a minute later wednesday came out. "hide. now," i said as wednesday went to the side of the shed.

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