poe cup p.2

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me and wednesday went to the library after getting thing to help us look for a book wednesday keeps seeing in her visions.

"i keep seeing that same purple book," thing scurried over to a book with a light purple cover, as i checked the shelf right next to them. "the cover was darker, more like a day old contusion. keep looking." wednesday spoke, as thing pushed the book back.

"i don't usually find students in here looking for actual books. most sneak in to make out," mrs.thornhill stated, walking down the stairs.

"we accidentally walked in on two vampires fanging," i stated in unison with wednesday. "we cant unsee that,"

"is there something i could help you find?" mrs.thornhill asked, putting her hands together.

"have you seen this before?" wednesday asked, showing mrs.thornhill a drawing of a symbol from the book. "its a watermark from the book we're looking for,"

"i think its a symbol from an old student society. umm, the nightshades!" mrs.thornhill spoke.

"like the deadly flower. color me intrigued," wednesday responded, turning the paper back to face her.

"i was told they disbanded years ago," mrs.thornhill explained.

"any idea why?" i asked. she shook her head no.

"sorry,"  mrs.thornhill spoke. wednesday turned to put the paper back in her bag. "i was very impressed with your answers in class today,"

"my mother is a carnivorous plant aficionado, i assume i get my red thumb from her," wednesday explained.

"are you and your mother close?"

"like two inmates sentenced to life on the same cell block,"

"i know it cant be easy. showing up mid semester. i've been here a year, year and a half, and i still feel like an outsider,"

"because you're the only normie staff?" i questioned. "enid told us,"

"to tell you the truth, ive never really fit in anywhere. too odd for the normies, not odd enough for the outcasts. i thought nevermore would be different. but theres still a handful of teachers who will barely acknowledge me," mrs.thornhill said.

"i act as if i dont care if people dislike me. deep down, i secretly enjoy it," wednesday spoke.

"never lose that wednesday," mrs.thornhill stated, starting to ascend up.

"lose what?"

"the ability to not let others define you, its a gift,"

"doesn't always feel that way,"

"the most interesting plants grow in the shade," mrs.thornhill said, turning around to walk out. "and if either of you ever need anyone to talk to, the door to the conservatory is always open," then, she walked out.

"i need to get a look inside of rowans room, see if i can find anything," wednesday stated as thing crawled out from behind the books and into her bag.


we snuck into the boys' dorm side and made our way to rowan and xaviers room.

"go invisible and make sure nobody is in there, then let me in," wednesday said, stopping right outside the door.

"on it," i made myself invisible and slipped through the walls, checking in every door making sure nobody was in here before making myself visible and opening the door. "get in, its safe," wednesday walked in.

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