the weathervane

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about as soon as the bag was on my head it was off, still tied to a chair, but i could easily take care of that.

"who dares breathe our inner sanctum," a 'mysterious voice' that actually was just bianca, spoke.

"you can take the mask off, bianca," wednesday said.

"wait, i preferred you with it on," i said, after everyone took of their masks.

"how'd you get down here," xavier asked.

"rowan showed me," wednesday spoke,"left pocket," xavier walked over, grabbing the picture from wednesdays pocket. "i tracked the watermark to the poe statue, then i solved the riddle,"

"wait. theres a riddle? i thought we just snapped twice." the boy with a black eye said, he's obviously not the sharpest tool in the shed.

"well, aren't you the brightest in the bunch," wednesday said sarcastically.

"the nightshades are an elite social club, emphasis on elite," bianca explained.

"if its such an elite club, then why are you here?" i questioned.

"we have roof parties, campouts, the occasional midnight skinny-dip," yoko stated.

"and yokos an amateur mixologist," some random girl said.

"she makes a killer virgin mojito. it can get pretty wild," ajax spoke.

"wow, do you guys even have a bed time?"  wednesday sarcastically asked.

"this is boring and the ropes hurt my hands," i spoke, turning invisible as the ropes fall off my wrist. i make myself visible again, standing up. "im not going anywhere, dont worry. i just dont like those stupid ropes," everyone looked at me, making sure i actually wasn't going anywhere.

"last i heard, the nightshades had been disbanded," wednesday stated.

"yeah, the group kind of lost its charter 30 years ago after some normie kid died," xavier explained, looking around at the people in the room.

"but we have a lot of wealthy alumni. so weems looks the other way as long as nobody makes any waves," yoko spoke.

"someone like rowan?" wednesday questioned.

"we booted that loser last semester," bianca said, sounding slightly confused."questions is, what are we gonna do with them? only members are aloud in this library,"

"i say we invite them to pledge," xavier said. "they're both a legacy," he finished talking, pointing to a photo with both me and wednesdays mothers.

"after the crap they pulled in the poe cup? theres no way in hell. we talked about not making waves? they're a tsunami," bianca said.

"just because we beat you at your own game? let me save you the trouble, im not interested in joining," wednesday spoke.

"dont be a sore loser, bianca. and im out too, i prefer actual elite clubs, and obviously this isnt one. if it was, bianca wouldn't be here," i said, leaning against a shelf.

"you're seriously turning us down?" another member asked, sounding surprised.

"can you believe it?" i spoke sarcastically in unison with wednesday.

"untie her," bianca basically demanded xavier. wednesday was already untied.

"i freed myself five minutes ago," she said while standing up. i pushed myself away from the shelf, walking towards the exit. a guy stepped infront of the exit before wednesday could pass. "esmeray," she said, stepping to the side, letting me approach him. i knew what she wanted. so i closed my eyes and focused my energy as i possesed him.

ghostly xavier x ocOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz