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For the sixteenth time since he had adjoined to one of Ravensfield's many chambers of leisure for a nightcap with the other Beastkeepers, Kaede glanced at the clock above the mantel, assessing the hour.

It still was not late enough.

As well it should not be, considering only two measly minutes had passed since he'd last checked the time.

A miserable sigh escaped him- he was still required to wait another fifteen minutes until he could surreptitiously seek out Miss Cotton for their rendezvous, something he was equal parts anticipatory and hesitant for.

Whatever doubts and negative thoughts dominated his mind, however, Kaede shoved away. It was easy to convince himself that Tiffany Cotton was the good thing to have happened to him, which would hopefully serve to cancel out the streak of bad that had fallen across his path of late. It simply had to be- why else would her presence fill him with a certain kind of rightness that he had never in his young life felt before?

It was Millie, who had barged into the chambers and beelined straight for her husband, who was reclining in a sturdy chair with a drink in his hand, that tore his mind away from the woman who dominated his thoughts of late.

"There is no word yet, wife," he deadpanned. It hardly deterred her momentum though, and she only stopped when she was before Blayne, sliding into his lap with nary a care that four other males were present. It was the same every evening since her sister had left with Aeghan all those days ago: Millie would storm into the chamber where they all gathered every evening, carrying her expectations on her shoulders with an ingrained haughtiness to demand if there had been any summons from Lillian.

"It has been over a week," she said plaintively, and Blayne slid his arms around her to draw her against his chest, mindful of the glass of liquor he yet held between his fingers. "What could possibly be detaining her attentions from Ravensfield for so long?"

"Should we pay Aëghan a visit?" Kaede offered with a wolfish smile. He personally wouldn't mind coming across the Dravolese again- they were long due a fight, and it would help to alleviate some of the infuriating tension coursing through his veins, heightened at the mere thought of one of Miss Cotton's sensual kisses.

"I believe you have enough presently at Ravensfield to keep you occupied," Rogane pointed out dryly. "One would think you wouldn't be so eager to readily leave the estate."

Kaede grinned at that- he couldn't deny it, nor did he want to. The truth of it all was that he was damn proud that Miss Cotton was favouring his attentions. To him, her peculiarities only made her more special and the anticipation he felt at seeing her again, at finding out something new and wonderful about her, almost consumed his every waking moment of late. "Aye, that's the truth of it," he admitted. "As much as I would like to hand that giant reptile his own hide, I'd much rather stay here where Miss Cotton is nearby."

"I do hope you have managed to convince her to stay," Millie remarked, nestling her head against Blayne's shoulder. The Beastkeeper set his glass on a table nearby, freeing up his arms to wrap securely around the soft form of his wife. He slid his tail around her waist with a familiarity that ignited a flare of something hot and profound in Kaede.

He wanted that sort of closeness with Miss Cotton. He wanted her in his lap, with her arms around his neck as she nuzzled into his cheek with tender kisses, and the longing he felt was so acute it made his fingers clench into fists.

"Working on it," Kaede managed to say over the tightness that had enveloped his throat.

"Besides," Blayne added, "I know you do not feel any affinity for Dranora, but I am certain that his intentions towards Lillian will not incur any harm to her person."

The Beastkeeper's Redemptionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें