☆ what choice do we have? ☆

Start from the beginning

You were no Olympic star, but you could move your arms in a way that propelled you forward, and that was good enough for now.

You heard for the most part nothing, except for the shutting of the door.

You looked up above you and all you could see was blue.

Mr. Joestar swum over to you, hooking a spare respirator up to your tank.

You put it in your mouth.


"You're welcome."

Kakyoin looks at the reef beneath you, sighing, "that was too close."

"There's no time to rest now, we have to move," Mr. Joestar swims to the front of the group.

Polnareff turns to you, "merci beaucoup, you saved me back there. If that thing did any damage to my face, my life was over! I really owe you one."

("Thank you very much,")

"You weren't worried about what could have happened if that thing entered your throat?"

He shakes his head.

"You're welcome,"

The reef was fascinating. There were fish you'd never seen before.

Polnareff grabs onto your shoulder, and you grab onto his.

You decide to let him do most the work swimming. He did owe you one. If you were counting, it would have been several at this point.

"Wow," Polnareff gasps. "Look at how beautiful it is down here," he points at a school of fish, "this would have made a hell of a vacation."

Right as you were about to agree, Mr. Joestar turns around.

"This isn't time to plan your next vacation! We have to surface before we run out of oxygen, you two especially."

He was right. You were barely breathing, but you could tell Polnareff was breathing somewhat heavily, most likely just from the anxiety of almost having your face torn off.

After a few more minutes of swimming in silence, Kakyoin asks, "Do you think we're safe?"

You and Avdol both nod.

"The High Priestess can only transform into minerals," he says. "Not fish and bubbles."

"We're safe in the open ocean," you agree. "But we have to be careful when touching rocks and stone. She could be anywhere, and we aren't truly safe until she's beaten to a pulp on the shore."

"We're seven meters from the shore!" Mr. Joestar shows you all some type of navigation device.

"Great!" Avdol smiles. "We can swim along these rocks to surface."

"Isn't that a sea tunnel right there?" Kakyoin asks.

You turn your attention forward, spotting the tunnels he was talking about.

They didn't look exactly like tunnels, rather more like nostrils.

You looked up, and spotted what looked to be eyes.

"Those aren't tunnels," you say. "It's the High Priestess!"

Before anyone could react, she opened her eyes and mouth.

She laughed as she created a water vacuum, attempting to suck you all in.

"She merged with the sea floor!" Avdol yells out.

"She's more powerful than we all thought!"

You all get sucked in, swirling around in a whirlpool as she shuts her mouth. You were stuck inside.

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