Chapter 18: The Silence

Start from the beginning

"I'll help you." Komi offered.

"Oh yeah, thanks." Alex said with a smile.

The two of them started sliding the desks into place one by one. That silence, that strange feeling started to set in the room again. Komi felt the awkward tension, but she didn't know what to do about it. Alex felt the same, so he tried to muster up some conversation.

" how're you doing, Komi?" Alex asked.

"Mm!" Komi stood up straight and went to grab her notebook, "I'm doing well. How are you?" She asked.

"Not too bad. Ready to head home," He answered with a chuckle. "Did you...uh...get any progress done on your poem?" He asked, trying his best to keep the conversation going.

"I wasn't able to get any progress at all. It was hard to concentrate with how quiet it was today." Komi expressed honestly.

"Yeah, it was kinda unusual today. The vibe was off with Monika and Yuri missing. But you know, it's just like that sometimes." He said with a shrug.

"Yes. I noticed that you and Natsuki were talking. Is everything okay?" Komi asked.

"Oh! Yeah, it's all good. It was just...stupid stuff." Alex said, waving it off. He readjusted one of the desks and then noticed that Komi was staring at him.

She didn't appear to be convinced. This pressured Alex to say more.

"Uh...she was upset with me about the chat thing. I didn't mean anything by it, but she just misunderstood what I meant by it." He explained.

"I'm not sure what the intention behind that was."

"Okay, well I was thinking that I'm the guy who doesn't come to the meetings every day, right? Sometimes I just don't make it, so I figured if you guys wanted to make plans without me, you could do it in a way where it wouldn't be awkward." He explained.

"Why would we make plans without you?" Komi asked.

"Well...I guess I just assumed. Anyways, Natsuki thought that I was trying to faze myself out of the club again, so I had to explain what I meant by it. We're all good now. We worked it out." He said.

"That's good. I'm glad. I was worried." Komi admitted.

"Worried? Why?" Alex asked with a surprised expression.

"Because you two are my friends and friends with each other. You two seem to get along well. You tease each other a lot. I don't want to see you be upset with each other."

"Ah yeah...well you don't have to worry," He said with a smile before finishing up the last desk. "Thanks for the help, Komi. We kinda got abandoned real quick, huh?" He pointed out with a chuckle.

"I'm happy that I could help. Is there anything else that you need?" She asked.

"Nope. We're all clear here," Alex answered with a chuckle, leaning back against one of the desks. "So, what do you have going on for the rest of the day?" He asked curiously.

"I'm going to be going home and helping my mother cook dinner this evening. What are your plans?" She asked.

"Just heading home and relaxing, probably gonna work on some writing. I don't know. Maybe I'll just play some video games." He answered with a chuckle.

"Ok. May I ask you a question, Alex?" She requested.

"Hm? Oh yeah, totally. What's up?" He asked.

"Was it difficult to settle things with Natsuki?"

"Was it difficult? Not really, no. Why?"

"I'm not always sure how to express myself. Now that I am attending more social gatherings, I worry about saying or doing something that could upset someone. How did you and Natsuki resolve things?" Komi asked.

"We talked things out. I explained my side, she explained hers, we shared our feelings on either side, and from there we came to an understanding. That's all it is. Just talking honestly." He answered, relaxing back with his arms folded.

"What if they're angry?" Komi asked.

"Well then maybe it's best to wait until things are calm...? You're throwing a lot of hypotheticals at me." Alex pointed out with a chuckle.

"Sorry. Thank you for answering my question. I apologize for taking up your time."

"Oh no, you're fine! We're just two friends having a conversation. That's all." He pointed out with a little smile. Komi lowered her head and blushed.

"...y-yes." She quietly agreed. She walked past him to get her stuff from her desk.

Alex turned around, watching her gather her things. That's when she noticed a group of students hanging around outside the classroom, looking inside through the open door. Some of them were giving him threatening looks.

They didn't seem too happy that he was alone with Komi in the classroom. He scoffed and smiled a little, looking at them for a few seconds before his eyes fell on Komi again.

"Hey, Komi. You said you're walking home?" He asked.

"Mhmm." She answered with a nod.

"Let me walk you home. If you don't mind." He offered, walking around and grabbing his stuff. Her eyes widened in surprise at this sudden offer.

"M-Mhmm." She shyly nodded again and started to make her way out the door. He followed her out and shut the door behind him then fell in step next to her.

Alex stuck his hands in his pockets and smiled again as he walked with Komi right past the other students...

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