She seems to be over harry, but I don't want to be a rebound either. So I'm nervous to make a move as I don't want to be the guy she uses to get over someone else.

«You seem like you're over him. Are you?» I ask before I can think it through. She looks up at me and nod «I am and have been for a while. In the beginning I thought was in love with him, but over time I realize that we took something beautiful and complicated it. I wanted out but I didn't want to lose my friend, so I kept going. God it makes me sound like a horrible person, but it's true. I think I was more in love with the idea of being in love than with him specifically» she says and turn away from me and strum her guitar.

Fuck yeah, she is saying she is over him. Maybe there could be something, at least a chance to take her out sometime? But I don't want to lose the friendship we have started either. I don't want the situation to be like it was with harry, that she regrets it down the line. And if the date is horrible things will forever be awkward between us, and I don't want to risk it. If I had known what she feels about me, it would be easier.

«I don't think you're a horrible person. It sounds like you have spent time reflecting it and figuring out what you want» it shows maturity that she is able to put those feelings into words in that way. It doesn't sound like something she just came up with, it sounds like it's been reflected on for a while.

«What do you say about getting out of here right now? We could go on a walk or something?» I ask and she eyes me carefully before she nods. «Sure, just let me grab my coat and put away my guitar first»

I will call this two friends hanging out, it can't be a date. It's no harm just hanging out right? I think so. Asking her on a date is a big deal, but this can be just two people hanging out and getting to know one another better.

- Taylors Pov -

We make out way out of the building and onto the streets of New York. I love the sound of the busy city and the crowds of people everywhere. All day and all night this city is alive. It's called the city that never sleeps for a reason.

When Joe asked to head out, I was both excited and nervous. It's not a date, it can't be, but there is no harm in two friends hanging out right? It doesn't have to be more complicated than that.

«Do you mind if we go to the bookstore? We could take the subway there. It's the biggest bookstore in the city and I've been dying to head there. It's called strand bookstore» he suggests, and I light up «yes! I love to read, and I've been dying to go there again» I can't contain my excitement, I love to read and Strand bookstore is probably my favorite bookstore.

«Did you know strand bookstore has over 2,4 million books? It's insane. I love it there. I can show you around. What kind of books do you like?» I ask as we head down to the subway. We both have subway passes because it makes it easier to get around the city. Sure I could afford to take cabs, but it's more fun taking the subway like other New Yorkers. It's like a whole world underneath the city.

«That's really cool, I didn't know that. And I like mystery, trillers, but also sometimes a contemporary book or a classic. I will admit that I even enjoy a romance if it's a good one» he says, and I nod. «I love romance, new adult romance to be specific. and I also enjoy dark romance from time to time if it's a good one. I've been dying to pick up the new Ana Huang book, but I haven't made my way to a bookstore yet»

Sure I could pick up «king of wrath» on my kindle, but I love her so much, so I want a physical copy. I have physical copies of all her books and I'm in love with her writing. And they are spicy too which is fun. Her last book, «Twisted lie» I finished in a day. Once I picked it up, I just couldn't put it down.

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