Ep. 1.2 (R) - Sir Geoffrey Sends the Boys Off

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Of course, he routinely forgets how the internet, mobile phones, and multiplayer games ease the boys' "suffering," making his punishments more of an irritant than a deterrent.

Sir Geoffrey scowls as he clears his throat. "Sebastian," he says. "When are you expected to leave for the Academy?"

"Monday, Father." Sebastian replies, then can't stop himself from sighing in protest.

"Honestly, Father," he continues, "I don't understand why you're sending me to this God-forsaken reform school in the first place. I know I've messed up a bit in the past, and I certainly messed up last night; I'll grant you that. But overall, I've kept my head down and out of trouble all summer long. Isn't that right, Farid?"

He gives Farid a determined look seeking reinforcement.

Farid clears his throat. "He has, Father. Tonight was just a minor slip up." Farid doesn't look his father in the eyes as he lets loose the lie.

"Poppycock!" Sir Geoffrey retorts. He turns to Sebastian. "I've heard about your little adventures, son, so don't play me for the fool. And The Otherworlders Academy is not a reform school!" he adds testily. "How many times do I have to tell you that!"

He sighs, then realizing it's simply easier to ignore Sebastian than engage with him, he turns back to Farid.

"And you, son? What are your plans now that you've graduated?"

"I leave for home later this week," Farid replies.

"Farid!" Sir Geoffrey snaps. "This is your home. And it has been for over 17 years now!"

Farid bows his head, realizing his misstep in traversing so carelessly into sensitive territory. "Sorry, Father," he murmurs. "I meant my ancestral home, Edenia."

Still irritated, Sir Geoffrey leans forward, arms on the table and practically growls out, "I know exactly what you meant, Farid. Your mother has talked of nothing else for over three years!" His nostrils flare. Then he looks away for a moment and draws in a breath, uncomfortable getting into a petty fight with his favorite son.

Sir Geoffrey's voice softens as he looks at Farid again. "Look, son," he says calmly, "I understand that this is something you've wanted for a very long time. And I think it's important for all of my children to have a thorough and genuine understanding of where their ancestors came from. Just because your mothers had to move to the capital in order to be with me, that doesn't mean that I don't respect each of their cultures. However," he sits back in his chair, "plans have changed."

Farid straightens in his seat. This can't be good.

"I know that we haven't discussed this previously, son," Sir Geoffrey says, "but I need for you to accompany your brother to the Otherworlder Academy."

Breathing a sigh of relief, Farid relaxes back into his chair.

"Certainly, Father," he says. "That's not a problem at all. I can take Sebastian up there if you like. We can even make a trip out of it."

"No, no, you don't understand." Sir Geoffrey retorts. "You won't be accompanying your brother up there; you'll be attending the school with him. I was able to get the High Council to grant you admission as well. You both leave early Monday morning, 6:00 am sharp."

"But, Father, I don't think that--" Farid's complaint overlaps with his brother's.

"I don't need a babysitter, Father!" Sebastian protests.

"Enough!" Sir Geoffrey slams his hand, palm-down, on the table.

As the sound of the slap reverberates throughout the enormous dining room, Sir Geoffrey takes in a deep breath in order to compose himself before he continues.

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