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Jackson was so busy with work in his office, one of his body guard run into the office breathing fast.

" Boss we are in a trouble " The guy said.

" What are u talking about Mark" Jackson ask.

" Lee is here with his people" The boy said.

" ooh i see " Jackson said smiling.

" Boss this is bad he didn't come in the morning, he came in the night" The boy said.

" That is because he isn't a daylighter vampire " Jackson said with a wide smile.

" Okay boss, but what are we going to do now " The boy ask.

" Open door wide for him, don't be scared ok " Jackson said.

" Yes Sir " The boy said before walking close to the door.

After some minutes Lee walk in smiling wide.

" Jackson it been long " Lee said.

" Yeah i didn't miss you at all " Jackson said with a smile.

" Do you remember back then in high school and college we where alot close to each other " Lee said.

" ooh of cause i remember " Jackson said.

" You see, we where good friends but now enemy " Lee said.

" i know and it much better like this you see " Jackson said.

" Hahahaha you're so funny Jack" Lee said.

" why did you come here Lee " Jackson ask.

" ooh about, that i want the boy" Lee said.

" what boy? " Jackson ask.

" Special blood i want him or it will cause a war between us Jack" Lee said.

" Let go for the then because i will not let you have him " Jackson said.

" You are always stubborn Jack not like you need him " Lee said.

" of cause I'm stubborn, you can never have him Lee " Jackson said.

" Then i have no choose this will be war " Lee said with a angry too.

" Good i love that " Jackson said.

" You are in a big trouble now be expecting me okay " Lee said before walking out.

Choi Mansion

Jaskson was walking around his mansion with his two sons behind him.

" Dad is something wrong " Kia ask.

" ooh of cause something is wrong " Jackson said.

" what is it dad " Yeonjun ask.

" War is coming for us, Lee is the bad guy " Jackson said.

" This means will need to prepare down for him right dad " Kai said.

" Yes you both need to prepare the boys are preparing there self already and inform your friends kai " Jackson said.

" okay dad " Kai said.

" Dad is they anything you want me to do for you " Yeonjun ask.

" Yes Yeon they is something you need to do for me " Jackson said.

" Dad what is it " Yeonjun ask.

" Don't worry we talk later okay " Jackson said.

" Dad i need to go now see you guys later " Kai said before bowing to his father and elder brother.

Boemgyu, Soobin, Taehyun and Kai was sitting down in a restaurant.

" What did you wanted to tell us Kai " Soobin ask.

" The war have began " Kai said.

" What war is that " Taehyun ask.

" Taehyun I'm a vampire " Kai said.

" I know you guys told me before, but trust me i don't believe that " Taehyun said.

" Do you want to see the truth Tae " Soobin ask.

" Of cause you guys should prove it to me that you all are really a Vampire " Taehyun said.

" Let go home then " Boemgyu said.

" Sure let go " Taehyun said standing up from where he was sitting down.

Hey guys I'm so sorry for late update have been busy with school stuff and the end of the year exam, please forgive me.

i will make the second chapter much better and long.

Thanks alot guys ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Big thanks to all my readers, I'm so happy my story is improving.

I Love You all ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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