Chapter 30 (Tobias POV)

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I get out of the bed with Tris to get ready for this party that Zeke and Uriah are having. Tris and I shower together, and I have that light feeling in my stomach. It isn't just when we have sex, just being around Tris, it feels right.

Before sophomore year of high school started, I had considered committing suicide. With Marcus abusing me, and my depression from my mothers death, I wanted to take the easy way out. Not even Tori's advice was helping me back then, and it wasn't until I saw Tris that I decided to stay. She's literally the reason why I'm not buried in the ground. She's like a gust of fresh air, she just makes me feel- God, I can't even find the words to describe how Tris makes me feel.

I sit and wait for Tris to finish doing her makeup, I scoff to myself. She doesn't need it. She's beautiful, inside and out. A few minutes later, she walks out of the bathroom, completely naked still from our shower.

"Where'd my clothes go?" She asks.

"I don't know, but I wouldn't have a problem if you stayed like this for a little bit." I say in a dirty tone. She just smirks at me.

"I can't go to the party naked." She laughs.

She soon finds them and puts them on. She has on a black crop top with black low rise jeans that are tight and ripped with black converse. I look at her again and smile. I'm definitely lucky to call her my girl.

"Ready?" I ask before kissing her.

"Yeah, I'm ready."

I drive to the house and hear extremely loud music and the muffled sound of people talking. I hold Tris's hand and walk up to the front door and ring the doorbell a few times, Zeke answers, slightly stumbling and holding a red solo cup. He's drunk.

"Whadduuuup motherfuckas?" He slurs and hiccups.

"You're fucked up man." I laugh.

"Damn right I am! Come oooonnnn iiinn!" He sing-songs.

Me and Tris walk in, the smell of liquor fills my nose. Me and Tris find Shauna, Marlene, Christina, Will, and Uriah, all holding red solo cups.

"What's up guys?" Tris beams.

"Hey! You made it!" Christina hugs her.

"Of course!" Tris says. She hugs everybody and I smile.

Just like her mother.

"So Tris, what did you do before the party?" Marlene says before sipping from her cup. Tris immediately looks at me and smirks.

"Just hung out with Tobias for a bit."

"Studied for tests." I say.

Christina wiggles her eyebrows at us and I roll my eyes.

She does that a lot.

We all dance and drink, but not as much as Zeke has. We all now what alcohol can do. Tris bopping her head and swinging her hips to the music, I notice a couple of other guys staring. I immediately give them the back the fuck up glare. They walk far away from me, with good knowing of how well I can fight, I assume. Tris pulls my hand and leads me up to a secluded room that nobody occupies , and she shuts the door and locks it. She takes me into a corner that is sequestered, and very hard to spot. She starts making out with me, and I kiss back.

Our lips fit together perfectly, like a puzzle piece. The taste of alcohol, still hanging on her soft lips. I kiss the hollow of her throat and kiss her tattoo, and her moan fills my ears. So soft, quiet, airy. I kiss her wildly, and hard, wanting her to know how much I crave her. She lays me down and climbs onto my lap, and I hold her hips to steady her. Her eyes glowing in this dimly lit, Amber shaded room, she looks more beautiful than I can describe. That golden blonde hair, her big eyes, the perfect shade of blue, her lips, just her everything.

I'm glad I went to the mall with Zeke and Uriah that day. If I hadn't met Tris, I probably would've gone through with my suicide attempt.

The suicide would've been a permanent answer to my very long, but still temporary problem. Marcus is in jail now, and I managed to survive his abuse, and now that I have Tris, and all of my friends, I'm untroubled. I used to be frail and weak, but now I'm strong, impregnable.


I kiss her tentatively, cupping her face in my hands, and running my thumb over her lips. I know I'm only a sophomore in high school but I already have my future planned. This is how I want to spend the rest of time. With Tris, I love Tris.

A fire that burns as bright as ours surely is meant to last.

The door opens and I turn my head, and see Christina, smiling at us.

"Uh, shut the door Chris." Tris says, motioning her to leave the room.

"Aah! I see you girl!" She slurs. She stumbles drunkenly out of the room.

We both laugh and stand up, Tris brushing the invisible dirt off of her jeans. We walk out of the room together, Tris looking around to see if anyone is near. She runs down the stairs and Christina gives us a perverted smile, and I laugh. Uriah stands on a table and shouts at the top of his lungs.


"What now Uri?!" Marlene shouts.

"It's time for truth or dare bitches!" He laughs.

"We always play that!" Christina wines.

"True. Let's play I Never."

Everyone gets a pile that contains 20 pieces of candy, and you go around the circle of people saying what you've never done, and you eat your candy if you have done it. Whoever eats the all of their candy first, wins.

"Never have I ever smoked weed." Zeke says, and nobody goes to the pile of candy.

"Never have I ever skipped school." Marlene admits.

Me, Tris, Christina, Shauna, Zeke, and Uriah all eat a piece from their pile.

"Never have I ever been skydiving." I say.

Only Zeke and Uriah reach into their candy pile.

"Never have I ever peed in the shower." Tris snickers.

Everyone goes into their candy pile and Tris fake shudders.

"Eww!" She shrieks.

"There are two types of people, people who pee in the shower, and fuckin' liars!" Christina exclaims. We all laugh.

"Never have I ever aced a test without studying for it." Shauna says.

Me, Tris, and Christina all go for our candy.

"Never have I ever been pregnant." Christina laughs hysterically. Nobody goes in the pile.

"Never have I ever gone a week without showering." Will says.

Zeke and Uriah go for candy. Gross.

"Never have I ever snuck into a movie without paying."

Tris, Christina, Shauna, and Will all go for candy. Later on in the game, it's between Uriah and Tris.

"Never have I ever cursed at a teacher." Tris says. Uriah doesn't go for candy.

"Never have I ever eaten a ghost pepper." Uriah says. Tris doesn't go for candy.

"Never have I ever broken a piñata." Tris says.

"Never have I ever lied about my birthday to get a free meal." Uriah says.

Tris goes for candy. She cheers in victory and does a cute little dance and I chuckle. We all go out in the backyard and lay in the grass, looking at the moon and all of the stars, the trillions of galaxies up in space. I hold Tris's hand, and look into her moonlit eyes.

"I love you." I mouth.

"I love you too." She mouths back and kisses me.

Christina, Shauna, and Marlene make a chorus of awws while the guys just pretend that their vomiting. This is it. This is what true happiness feels like.

I hope I never lose it. I hope I never lose my closest friends, and I hope I never ever, lose Tris.

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