Chapter 20 (Tris POV)

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I wake up and stretch out my arm. Time for another week of school. I groan and get out of bed and do the usual. Eat breakfast, which is a spinach frittata with cheese and a kiwi smoothie, and brush my teeth. Normally I get dressed after doing all of that but I sit on my bed.

I really don't feel like sitting through classes today.

I text Tobias, if I'm going to ditch classes, I'll do it with him.

Tris- "hey babe ☺️"

Tobias- "hey 😉"

Tris- "ugh. I don't feel like going to school today. Wanna skip with me? 😉"
Tobias- "are you sure?"

Tris- "yes. We can just get our work tomorrow. So you gonna ditch or nah?"

Tobias- "sure. ☺️"

I sit and wait for Tobias to pull up in his car. After about 10 minutes, I see his headlights and I get excited to see him, even though I see him almost everyday.

"Hey!" I smile at him and kiss him.

"Hey baby." He says before kissing back. My heart warms up when I hear him call me baby.

"So what do you want to do?" He asks.

"Just hang out." I wink.

We walk upstairs and lay next to each other on the bed, occasionally giving dirty smirks and winks.

Fuck me!

Wait, what?

God, Tris. I need some holy water after thinking about Tobias and him doing certain things.

But what if he doesn't like my body, and how it looks?

That's one of the reasons why I'm scared to lose my virginity. What if I'm not good, and he leaves me?

Disquietude fills me for a split second before I realize that Tobias will take me as I am because I know how much he loves me. I love him back.

I want to show him.

"So Tobias, why do you suggest that we all get hotel rooms for homecoming?" I say while arching my eyebrow.

"It'd be like a pre party, I guess, if that's what you want to call it." He says.

"If you say so." I say hesitantly.

"What?" He asks.

"Well, it's just that, you know. Hotel rooms and-" he cuts me off.

"You think I want the hotel room just to have sex with you?" He sounds outraged.

"Do you?" I ask, wide-eyed.

"Why would you fucking think that?!"

"Christina was joking around with me about it yesterday."

"And you believe her? You believe that I just want you for sex?" He shouts.

I've never seen him so angry.

Especially to me.

His anger kind of scares me, because I'm not used to seeing it.

"I'm outta here." He declares.

"No! Baby, c'mere." I say, softening my voice.

"Why would you believe Christina? Why would you think that I'd do something so demeaning?"

"I'm sorry. It's just, I've never had a boyfriend. You're my first and I don't know what you're expectations are and-"

"Tris. I haven't had a girlfriend before you. None of the girls stood out to me like you do. I won't leave you, and I'll wait until you're ready for something that intimate."

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