Chapter 21 (Tris and Tobias POV)

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Tonight is the homecoming dance.

I wake up extra early, even though it's Saturday, but since homecoming I get up and stand on the balcony of the hotel. We've been in the hotel since Thursday, still attending school, just going to the hotel once our last class of the day is over. I look at the golden sun light up the city of Chicago and watch as the buildings lights dim and watch the cars drive by. I hear crows cooing in the distance, which is rare because I never see them in the city. A crow flies by my head and I shriek. I've always been scared of crows. I hate them. I inhale and exhale to calm my heartbeat after almost being attacked by the crow. After I'm calm, I focus back on the sunrise.

Bold orange splashes across the sky with coral pink and a beautiful faded shade of yellow. Soon, sunlight kissed the sky and the breathtaking palette of the coral, yellow, and orange is replaced with a calming baby blue. White puffy clouds overlap the blue sky, no imperfections to ruin this beautiful moment. Not a speck of gray to be seen in the sky. I take out my phone and take a few pictures.

I've always loved to capture moments like this.

After I'm done watching the sunrise, I turn around and I'm startled. Tobias stands shirtless in the sliding door.

A prepossessing sight.

"Still wasn't more beautiful than you." He says.


"Tobias. Don't scare me like that." I say, placing a hand on my chest.


He walks up and kisses me, pulling me against him. My thumb runs along his bottom lip before I bite softly on it. He kisses back, a lot harder than usual. Sort of like he's trying to permanently fuse our mouths together. We pull apart and he stares at me.

"You can wait until after the dance, right?" I ask, testing his patience and his temptation.

"Of course I can wait." He breathes heavily.

"Good." I say before biting my lip.

"Just don't tempt me, Tris."

I hear a knock on the door and run to answer it. Looks like I wasn't the only one who woke up this bright and early.
Christina stands in front of me, holding a bag, which is probably holding her dress.

"Hey!" She smiles and hugs me. "Sorry to interrupt. But do you know when we should go to the salon to get our hair done?"

"I don't know. But probably soon before everyone else starts going." I say.

"I'll text you in about an hour or so."


Me and Christina, along with Marlene, all leave to go to the salon.

"Why didn't Shauna come?" I ask.

"She's just wearing her hair in a fishtail braid." Marlene responds to me.

We pull up to the salon and spend about 2 hours there. My hair is extremely curly and bouncy now and the hair stylist sprayed something in my hair so my curls won't fall. Christina just gets her hair washed and straightened, while Marlene has wavy hair now.

We leave the salon at about 12:30 p.m and head back to the hotel. All of the girls decided not to show our boyfriends our dresses until today.
We want to surprise them. Christina, Marlene, and Shauna come to my room and I lock the door. I let Christina do my makeup for me, while Shauna and Marlene do their own makeup themselves.

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