| Tricks Up the Sleeve ~ Pt. 2 of Childish Ways |

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"Man, you just don't ever get tired, do ya?" You exhaled. After a few board games and video games, you thought Leo could unwind his small mind with a movie. You surely thought the movie would put him in a sleepy trance, but you guessed that all you did was fry his brain.

"Are you gonna choose or not?" He crossed his chubby arms.

"Fine. I'll let you take the first pick, Leon. You deserve it." You smiled.

Leo's extensive eyes gleamed with joy. "For reals?! My brothers always pick me as a villain and I never get to pick." This somehow made your heart skip a beat. Even as kids, his brothers thought of him so lowly.

"I'll tell ya what, the best people can play off as both the villain and the hero." You bumped your elbow into his shoulder.

"Awesome..." He looked down at himself in awe and struck a heroic pose. "I wanna be a hero! You can be the princess I save!"

"My hero!" You playfully played along, giggling. Even if you were spending time with the child version of your boyfriend, you were happy to be spending time with him.

After a few rounds of pretend rescuing, Leo had finally gotten tired from all the running around.

You went to use the bathroom for two minutes and came back to find him yawning and rubbing his eyes repeatedly. His large shiny eyes were now low and half shut.

"Hey, Neon Leon. Wanna go to bed?" You sat next to him and rubbed his back.

"Nuh-uh! I still wanna play! I haven't killed the evil robot yet!" Leonardo was still hung on the roleplay from earlier.

You chuckled and scooped him up in your arms. "Already Little Man, I think you've done enough rescuing for tonight." You placed him in your lap with his head close to your chest as you rubbed circles on his shell, something older Leo was fond of whenever the two of you cuddled.

You learned the trick by hearing stories of how Splinter would get his insomniac son to sleep on rough nights. He would tell you embarrassing tales of Leo and his brothers when they were younger and would end up with the boys sulking in a corner. Splinter had told you that humming quietly would help him get Leo to sleep.

It worked for quite some time but as Leo got older, the more difficult it was to control his insomnia. He would go sleepless for a long time before either you or his brothers scolded him. Leo just couldn't find anything to do before falling asleep. But, he has always mentioned how he would only get a good night's sleep with you whenever he slept over.

Leo had fallen fast asleep in your arms and you smiled down at him, placing a small kiss on his bandana-covered head. You shifted slowly to a more comfortable position, scared of waking up the turtle in your arms. You soon found yourself drifting into a peaceful sleep as well.


Your eyes shot wide awake, gazing at the clock that hung in the living room.

3:55, it read.

Leo was shivering in your arms and you realized that you had accidentally fallen asleep. And it seemed as if Leo was still under the curse but could turn back to normal sooner or later.

With care, you set Leo down at the edge of the couch and trodded into your bedroom. You looked around for the red slider's favorite blanket and grabbed yourself a sweater. You figured that it would be best to leave Leo by himself for now, just in case the curse would lift soon. If the two of you slept on the couch together, there wouldn't be enough room. So you decided on sleeping on the floor next to him to make it seem like he just slept over.

Before you could start heading back, you heard small footsteps behind you.

"(Y/N)? Can...Can I sleep in bed with you?" Leo's worrisome expression nearly broke your heart right then and there for thinking about leaving the child alone.

"Of course, Leo. Come here." You brought your arms out and he immediately ran into you. You scooped him up and place him in your large enough bed, covering his small figure with the blanket that Leo preferred when he slept over. He nuzzled close into you, feeling your warm body for comfort.

"I had a lot of fun, (Y/N). Thanks for playing with me." He slurred his words before falling fast asleep once again.

"No problem, kiddo."



Leonardo was the first to wake up, as usual. The sounds of birds outside confused him and it suddenly hit him that he was in your apartment. He turned his gaze back to where he was and saw you there laying next to him.

Eye bags were visible on your faces and your eyebrows were furrowed upwards. Drool dripped down from the corner of your mouth and your arm was lazily but gently thrown over his hip. It seemed to Leo that you had a rough night. He chuckled at the sight of you, taking his hand and bringing your hair back to frame your face properly.

But Leonardo couldn't remember his night. He didn't understand this he was with you, though, he wasn't complaining. But due to his fatigue, Leo brushed off any impossible scenarios and told himself that he slept over but got injured again while out patrolling. He scooted himself closer to you and wrapped his now large arms around you, smiling to himself knowing he would just rather get scolded by you later.

And of course, Leonardo was partially right.


woah two posts in a day?!

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