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HER EYES were drooping down. Her head got heavy over her hands. Florence couldn't keep this act up anymore. She turned her head to Peter.

"I'm so sleepy.." she whispered. Even her voice was tired.

"How?" he asked. "You missed half the day.."

She shrugged as she sat up to lean her head on his shoulder. She told herself she wouldn't sleep in class again. She said she'd actually try in Algebra this year.

By now she was fully asleep on Peters arm as he sat there. He glanced at the clock as it was only a few short seconds before the bell.

He tried nudging her awake but nothing worked. The bell rang and she was still very asleep. He questioned her sleeping habits to himself before gently lifting her head all the way up.

"Hey, buddy.." he smiled watching her wipe her face quickly. "Time to go home."

"Oh god.." she started to whine. "Oh god.. Oh i can't feel my legs."

He smiled to himself as he grabbed both of their bags waiting for her he get up from her seat. He watched as she gathered herself together and got up.

"Ready?" he asked holding out her bag to her. She took her things and they started to head outside.

As they walked out into the courtyard they took a seat at a table watching everyone file out of the school. "I don't go to work today," Florence told Peter. No response.

He held his camera to his face as he took photos. He'd take pictures of anything and everything. He said it was a hobby of his but he was the president of the yearbook club.

2 years in row.

"Peter..?" she asked. He was deep in his own mind. She looked to where he pointed his camera at and at the end saw a blonde girl walking away from the school.

Florence looked back to her friend who just stared through his camera lenses.

"I didn't know you had a thing for Gwen.." she said leaning over his shoulder. She pressed her elbows on the table to hold her up as she looked at the girl as well.

He wasn't startled as he took one last photo of the girl and let his camera rest on his lap. "What?" he asked looking to his friend who was still watching the blonde girl walk away.

"Gwen.." she repeated. "It's obvious you like her. I did too. In Middle school." she confessed. She sat back down on the bench as her friend turned around to face her.

Her head sat on top of her hands as he did the same. "I don't know what you're talking about." he stated.

She looked into his eyes trying to pry something out of him and squinted. Maybe if she stared long enough he'd crack.

"I mean.."

"Ha! I knew it!" she yelled out in excitement as her arms shot up. "You like her don't you?" she said coming back to her senses.

He sat there with a blank stare blinking his eyes. "I didn't even finish," he told her. "What i was going to say is, i think she's attractive.. but she's not my type."

She sat there with an unamused expression. That wasn't what she was hoping for. She let out a huff and grabbed her bag from the table.

"Whatever.." she let out. She stood up and started to walk away expecting him to follow soon after.

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