"Alright, honey." She wraps her arms around my neck and gives me a hug. I hug her back, suddenly aware of how little time left we have until I won't see her again for another 6 months.

Giulia lets us be for as long as we want, which is exactly 2 minutes and 5 seconds.

I can't stop thinking about time all of a sudden. A lot of things have gone down over the course of a couple months. I made three new friends, a new song. I saw Samantha again. I'm going to England, for fucks sake, when I didn't think I would leave Chesapeake, Virginia my entire life. I have so many loose strings in my hands that I don't know what to do with.

Maybe, maybe I'll find some answers. And if I don't, well, I have to take the flight anyway.

Mum drops us off at the airport. "Are you sure you've got everything? I can drive us back."

"Mum, anything we left we can buy once we're there. We're fine, I promise." I know that we didn't leave anything behind. I triple-checked every single room before we left and spent four hours making a multiple-page checklist. So, we're fine, but Mum needs the comfort anyway.

She squeezes my hand. "I'm gonna miss you so much."

I hug her from across the console. "Me too. We'll be back before you know it. Promise."

She helps us unload our luggage and gives us both a final hug and kiss on the head.

"Bye, Mum. Love you."

"I love you too."

I take a look back at her and trail my suitcases into the airport.

It takes what feels like a lifetime to get through security, even though we're actually 14 minutes ahead of schedule. Giulia gets themself a chocolate glazed donut from the Dunkin' next to the Chinese place in the lobby. I grab an extra bottled water for the flight.

We sit down in the boarding area. A man a couple of rows down is scolding his young daughter, who is barefoot and on the verge of tears.

Giulia stares at the man and his daughter. "That man is horrible."

The man hugs the girl. The tears dry from her eyes.

I raise my eyebrows at Giulia. She mumbles something into her donut. I spend another 40 minutes people-watching. An airport security woman chases down a teeanger with an auburn buzzcut. The airport staff look upon this occurrence with complete apathy.

I fiddle with the strings of my jeans. Giulia's a few minutes into the Newsies movie on the screen on the back of the seat in front of them. I can't keep my hands still. I switch compulsively between fidgets. Giulia looks at me, and stares pointedly at my right hand, which is snapping repeatedly while my left hand drums on my thigh.

"Uh, June? You doing good?"

"Mhm." I start circling my wrists. "Yeah, I'm fine. You?"
They stare at my hands. "I'm great."

Trying to quiet my hands, I curl up my legs and lay my head on the armrest. It's rather uncomfortable, but it works, I guess.

"You girls alright?" A tall woman with a honey-blonde afro and killer eyeliner peers down at us. I give her a thumbs up. She offers us peanuts. Giulia, who has a moderate nut allergy, declines. I follow along. I receive a good 15 messages at the same time as my phone buzzes in my lap repeatedly. Giulia giggles shortly.

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