"Now watch." You stare at him as he turns around, revealing his back. If it weren't for the text in between his shoulder blades, you would have gotten lost staring at him. The text reads your name. Your eyes widen and he slowly turns around. You drag your vision up to meet his, and he says, "Do you know my name now?" You nod your head.

"Yoongi." You whisper. He shivers and smiles brightly after hearing his name. He pulls his shirt back on and asks you to turn around, so you do.

He traces his index finger along his name, initiating the first contact. The spot becomes itchy, but he holds his palm against your skin to stop the sensation. Goosebumps appear on your skin at the feeling of his cold, rough hands. He watches as the text on your skin glows red, your favorite color.

"How did you know?" You ask him quietly. He smiles and puts your jacket back on you. You shiver at his touch and boldly grab his hand to keep the feeling going. 

He stands behind you and wraps an arm around your waist to hold you as he says, "I read your flute case one day and it matched the name on my back, so I hoped it was you. I think you are so beautiful and talented, so I was praying to the night sky that she gave me you as a soulmate." You blush at his words and at his closeness. You could feel his breath tickle your ear, and your heart hastens its pace. He presses his chest against your back as you grab his forearm. You turn your head to the side and can almost feel him on your skin.

You breathe in deeply and release yourself from his hold. You couldn't look him in the eyes because your heart was still racing. Your cheeks are beet red and your skin is tacky with sweat. You still have his hand in yours, but now, your other hand is free. He uses his available hand to pull you closer by the small of your back. Your eyes widen a bit, now looking up. His eyes are set on yours, waiting for you to say something. The only thing your unintelligent mouth could breathe out is, "You're so attractive."

You slap a hand over you mouth and look straight down, shocked by what you said. He chuckles unexpectedly, and says "I was having trouble holding myself back because I feel the same about you. This outfit is also certainly not helping. Keep wearing this around me and we may have problems." He tilts your red face up to look at him with a smile on his face. His smile is enough to hold your attention.

You pull away from his hold, but keep his hand in yours, as you whisper, "Shall we play?" He smiles widely and nods, walking to his piano.

You play for an hour or more until you both decide to be done. This practice was filled with passion and fun, probably from your earlier interaction. You pack up your flute as he stands by you, not having anything to take apart or protect. Just having him near is enough for your heart to beat. You can tell he isn't one to show much affection, but he did just moments ago. You hope to keep the affection going over time.

"So you and Taehyung are getting along well?" You rapidly spin your head to face him with raised eyebrows. "What? How do you know him?" He makes a face that says, 'really?', but you're still confused.

He explains, "Obviously me and Taehyung are soulmates too. Remember the conversation we had? We all share." 

Of course you knew that, but you still say, "Yeah I know, but I mean have you met him?" 

He chuckles at you and says, "Of course I've met him. Didn't you see me the night when you went to make amends? That was me. Also, we've been twenty quite a bit longer than you have." Your mouth forms an 'oh' shape as you recall the familiar form from that night. He nods and sighs out loud, mocking you.

You slap him on the shoulder and he winces. "Why did you do that?" 

You look at him, dumbfounded. "How dare you not say something! So you knew before seeing my flute case?" 

He shakes his head. "No. I read your flute case weeks ago. When you said you have more than one soulmate, that's when I connected the dots. Well, besides seeing you for the first time, my heart stopped. Also, Taehyung told me about your interaction. That's why I didn't approach you about it. I didn't want to scare you off."

"That makes sense...so what about the others? Have you met all of them?" 

He shakes his head. "Not all of them, but I do know one other soulmate." 

You look up at him and exclaim, "Really? Are you going to introduce us? Is he nice?" You stop yourself from rambling and he looks at you lovingly.

"Well...I believe that it's best to meet on your own. I guess I can introduce you guys, but I prefer it to be natural." You nod, suddenly feeling the same way. Imagine meeting your soulmate, but it feels like a business transaction. 'So-and-so meet so-and-so. Now love each other!' It's weird.

You dig deeper when you ask, "Have I crossed paths with him before? Or actually, where can I usually find him?" Yoongi shrugs at you, giving you no leads. You huff at him and begin to go outside. 

He follows behind you and asks, "Where are we going now?" 

You turn and look at him stupidly. "Where do you think? You have class." He rolls his head back and groans, remembering that one important detail.

He swiftly pulls you into his embrace, holding you tightly. You hug him back in slight shock while looking around for any witnesses. You don't want any questions. He then leans down and places a soft kiss on your forehead. Stunned, you freeze as he turns and walks in a different direction. You decide not to do anything about it, letting the cold air chill your warm cheeks. You're sure that steam was coming from your face.

You head back to your dorm. Once you're inside, you pull your phone out and the clock read 2:48. You sigh and open your messages, looking for Taehyung's contact. You click on it and see he sent a text saying:

I'm free now if you want to do something.

You smile. He sent the text only five minutes ago. Based on the information you just learned, Yoongi probably texted him, letting him know what was happening. So you reply with:

Where should I meet you?

In an instant he replies with:

How about I come over and walk with you to wherever we decide to go?

You reply:

Sounds great. I'll keep an eye out for you.


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