Chapter 14 Biana

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Biana slowly opened her eyes, feeling somebody shake her.

"Biana! Wake up!" They yelled, they sounded male.

"What?" Biana groaned, seeing the person shaking her was Fitz.

"Biana!" He smiled, hugging her tightly.

"What happened?" Biana asked, but she quickly looked around.

They were in a cell. Chains were on everyone's necks, arms, and legs, as well as a heavy thing was on her head.

"Where's Sophie?!" Biana asked, remembering seeing Sophie walking down the halls, locked up, given sedatives, and chained up.

"I haven't seen her, are you sure you aren't just imagining?" Tam asked, looking at Biana.

"No... No.... I saw her! You have to believe me!" Biana begged.

"Welp Biana is telling the truth I can tell you that much," Keefe said, looking at the group.

"Icicle! They're awakeeeee!" Somebody yelled.

"Can you give me a minute?! I'm seriously putting on my blindfold so I can do an evil monologue Kestrel!" A female voice who must've been Icicle.

"Fine! Why did you take your blindfold off anyway?!" Kestrel yelled.

"BECAUSE I WANTED TO!" Icicle yelled back.

"Fine!" Kestrel yelled back.

Finally somebody with a simple black dress came. They had their blonde hair in a messy bun and a black blindfold covering their eyes, they wore black battle boots.

"There are some of my favorite people in the entire lost cities," Icicle laughed.

"I thought you hated them!" Kestrel yelled.

"I was being sarcastic!" Icicle yelled back.

"Why are we here?" Tam asked.

"Because you broke into OUR base, you deserve to be here," she responded.

"Let us out!" Dex demanded.

"How about no!" Icicle yelled back.

"We will call for back up if you don't let us go!" Biana said way to quickly.

"And how do you plan to do that? Transmit? Use your Imparter? Fancy Technology? We made to empty your pockets when we put you in here! And for the transmitting thing as well as the rest of you, we put ability restrictors on you!" Icicle laughed.

"Who are you?!" Fitz demanded.

"I do not need to tell you that!" She laughed.

"If you won't tell, I will show ourselves!" Fitz yelled.

"How?" Icicle laughed.

"Like this!" Fitz smirked.

He must've levitated it because it pulled off her blindfold.

Everyone gasped as a shocked girl with brown eyes and golden flecks stared back at them.

"Sophie?!" Everyone gasped.

𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝓂𝒾𝓈𝓈𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓂𝑜𝑜𝓃𝓁𝒶𝓇𝓀Where stories live. Discover now