Chapter Fifty-Five - Back in the closet

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"He asked us not to, Dean. He specifically told us not to tell you. And Sam knows because we told him." Gabriel says, looking at me sadly. I grab my hair and shake my head in disbelief.

"What centre is he at?" I ask suddenly and they all shake their heads, keeping their mouths shut. "WHAT CENTRE IS HE AT?"

"The one just across town Dean. It's the best one in the state. Don't do anything stupid okay? We don't know what would happen to him if he suddenly saw you again. He could go back onto drugs or-"

"You're saying it was my fault he was on drugs in the first place?" I spit out, completely freaking out.

"What? NO! Of course we're not saying that. We're just saying that he's doing so well and he's almost back to normal. If he suddenly sees you he could relapse..."

"MY BOYFRIEND IS IN REHAB AND NONE OF YOU TOLD ME?!" Everything went quiet, the brothers and Sammy look at me in shock, the music in the pub stops playing and the chatter simmers down to a whisper.

"Dean, he's not your boyfriend." Lucifer whispers so no one else apart from the five of us could hear. I open my mouth to speak when the realisation of what i just said suddenly hit me.

"What, no! I didn't mean- what?" I bumble out and shake my head, rubbing my face. "Look, you should have told me guys."

"Well what difference would it make? It's not like you're ever going to get back with him and marry him and have surrogate kids with him, Dean. You made that painfully clear." Gabriel says, looking at me seriously.

I nod my head and without another word, throw Sam the keys to the pub and start walking away, back up the stairs to my own flat. As soon as i enter my flat and walk into my bedroom and face plant the bed and groan. Poor Cas, i can't believe he was in rehab. He must be in such a state right now. I felt awful, worse than awful. I would somehow have to make this right.


I wake up with a banging headache. My head spins as i crawl out of bed and i stumble to the bathroom, grabbing some pills for a migraine and swallow them whole without even getting any water.

I look at the time on my watch and sigh deeply. I had decided last night that i was going to go and see Cas today. I slowly get ready, taking a long shower and picking out some clothes. I chose a suit, i wasn't sure why i chose a suit to wear but for some reason, i wanted to look my best.

I couldn't do my tie up, so i decided to go without, leaving my top buttons undone and showing some of my chest. I do my hair up with gel and and splash my face with water after. I look at myself in the mirror and staighten up, nodding at myself. I didn't look half bad to be honest, although i still didn't know the full reason why i was trying so hard.

I go downstairs and get into the Impala, making sure i looked at a map before driving towards the rehabilitation centre. I needed to see him. I couldn't let him rot in that place without showing my face at least once. He still meant to world to me, no matter what.

I get to the rehab in a matter of an hour and park the car up quickly. I walk towards the gate and then towards reception where i have to sign a visiting slip.

"And who will you be seeing today?" Asks the pretty receptionist, smiling slightly.

"Castiel Novak." I tell her and she pouts, nods her head and takes a glance at my name.

"Wait, you're Dean Winchester?" She asks, suddenly going serious.

"Yes. Why?" I ask, handing her back the slip.

"No reason." She scowled and walked off with my slip, coming back a moment later.

"He's in room 206. Though he might not be in there. If you go there and he's not there, just ask one of the staff and they'll tell you where he is." I nod my head and smile thankfully before turning around and walking towards the main building.

Drunk On You ||  punk!cas jock!deanWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu