~ Chapter 20 ~

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Once the entire house was dead silent I stood up and pulled a back-bag from under my bed and stuffed a bunch of clothes, foods and necessities into the bag. I slipped on a comfortable yet agile outfit and headed out into the hall.

I walked out into the garden but before I could take another step I saw Kanato staring at me.

"What do you think you're doing?", he asked menacingly.

I stood there in shock, and also unable to speak because of my current issue.

I just made sounds with my mouth trying to signal I couldn't talk.

"You're trying to escape aren't you...", he said, narrowing his eyes at me to which I shook my head aggressively.

God, what is sign language for: I'm going on a midnight stroll??

I sighed, but Kanato had quickly pushed me to the ground. I gasped as Kanato leant over and started biting me.


I screamed mentally even though I knew it could do nothing. Then I felt my vision getting blurry.

No! Not my only chance! Please PLEASE

I saw darkness and when I looked again, I saw Kanato passed out on the ground, I assumed it was the reflection. I spent no time staring at him and immediately starting running towards the forest.

It would be so much more difficult for them to find me there.

I slowed my sprint down to a walk and admired the beautiful forest.

It's beauty was ethereal, the butterflies flying around and the soft light of the moon peaking through the leaves of the tall and majestic trees. I smiled and sat down on a rock beside a nearby lake before splashing a bit of water onto the wound to clean it and sit there a little.

I closed my eyes and hummed a soft tune.

I opened my eyes to find a family of deer not that far away from me. I smiled softly and took a deep breath of the cold yet heart-warming scent. I felt so close to my old home and that's what drove me to stand up and head towards the city. The car drive to school was around fifteen minutes away. So, the walk to my house would probably one to two hours.

I walked for a very long time before I started passing a few buildings.

Eventually I got to my house and I smiled contently before walking in.

But I realized, no one remembered me...I started panicking what if they mistake me for an intruder or call the police.

I then realized there was someone in the kitchen...





Author's pov:

Everyone at the mansion was freaking out. First off, Yui found a passed out Kanato in the yard and everyone's just realized y/n's missing.

"Fuck!", Subaru screamed before punching the wall, leaving a hole in it.

"Now's not the time to get angry Subaru. We need to find a way to get them back.", Reiji said, readjusting his glasses.

Yui was in tears, she felt worried and betrayed at the same time.

"Where could little bitch run off to?", Laito asked and everyone started thinking.

"This is a waste of time! I say we search the entire city!", Ayato exclaimed, jumping to his feet and preparing to leave.

"That would be extremely unwise Ayato. Do you even know how huge the city is?", Ruki said and Ayato scoffed and sat back down.

"I don't care where she is. She can die for all I care...", Kanato frowned crossing his arms.

"Tch, that idiot couldn't have run off very far. I mean they're only so strong.", Yuma stated.

"I miss...y/n...", Azusa said sadly, looking down at his hands.

"Hm, I don't think little mouse is stupid enough to go to school. Probably somewhere they feel safe?", Kou proposed.

"What about their house. We have their adress.", Shu explained.

"That is true, and they do live alone.", Reiji said.

"Then what are we waiting for let's go!", Ayato stood up, quickly heading to the door and bursting it open.

"Ayato...", Yui trailed off.




Your pov:

I slowly walked into the kitchen.

What the hell, I probably seem like more of a creep now-

I stepped into the kitchen to find someone facing away from me.

They were just standing there.

"Hello?", I called out hesitantly.

"Hello y/n, I've been waiting for you.", the familiar voice answered.

I froze as tears came into my eyes.

And when they turned around, my suspicions were correct, her gorgeous long blond hair, big blue eyes and fragile body. She was completely fine, no scars, wounds or blood anywhere.


Hehe, cliff-hanger ;)
I'm super nice <3
I wonder what's going to happen next???
Also, sorry this chapter is so short. It's cuz there wasn't much to write about.
- Author <3

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