~ Chapter 1 ~

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I sighed as I looked up to my new school.

'Hello hell.' I thought to myself as I took a few steps forward not quite sure where to go and feeling quite small compared to the intimidating building.

« Excuse me! » I heard a stranger's voice say.

I turned around to see a young girl. She had long brown hair and piercing blue eyes, the color of gorgeous glittering diamonds. She wore the usual school's attire excepting the fact that she had a special tie and jacket, showing she must be of importance in the school. She walked up to me keeping a big smile on her face.

« My name is Matsumoto Hiro, member of the student council! But you can just call me Hiro! » She said, bowing lightly before looking back at me « You must be the new student, L/N Y/N, correct? »

I smiled, « Yes, a pleasure to meet you Hiro-chan. » I bowed back to her and continued: « I suppose you are to show me around the school? »

Her smile widened, « Yep! Now come one there's so much to see L/N! » Hiro said, before grabbing my wrist and urging me forward.




Once the tour had finished, it was already lunch time.

« Phiew! I am super tired. Can't wait to dig into my lunch. Well, thank you for showing me around the school Hiro-chan, it was a pleasure meeting you and I hope we can talk soon. » I stated, preparing to leave.

But before I could even think of taking a step she grabbed my wrist and said: « No way I'm letting you eat alone! You're eating lunch with me and my friends from the council! Come on, they're all super nice! »

I sat down in the cafeteria with all of Hiro's friends, and saying she had a lot of friends was an understatement, I bet I counted half the school at that table, all circled around talking to each other, the friend-ship was actually quite cute and heartwarming actually. I managed to talk to three other people, a girl named Harumi Mitsuno, a boy named Koji Shiba and another boy named Yoshimura Kyo. The three of them were all good friends of Hiro's and Koji was the student council's Vice President.

Once the bell rang, I stood up and headed towards class. I checked my schedule, cooking. It was one of the extra activities I chose to do along with music. I checked the class, 208.5.

'Here we go. I hope this goes well. It's cooking, it can't be that bad...right?'

I walked into my class, and greeted the teacher.

« Ah, you must be L/N Y/N, welcome to culinary class. Please, introduce yourself to the class. »

I nodded my head, and headed over to the front. The teacher got the attention of everyone and I started introducing myself.

« Hello, my name is- », I started.

« Boringgg... », I heard a blond boy say in the corner, « Can someone actually pretty join this class? We don't accept trolls you know. »

The class snickered as I gritted my teeth, beginning a nasty comeback I started: « It's not like- »

« Silence Jorou! Go to detention. I will not stand for humiliation in my class. », the teacher said.

« What?! This is so stupid I just stated a fact. », Jorou argued.

« Go. » the teacher said harshly, she then turned to me and smiled, indicating I could continue.

« Er, my name is L/N Y/N and it's a pleasure to meet all of you. » I finished, smiling slightly.

I bowed and sat down in the seat closest to the teacher in the front left corner of the class. I looked to my left and saw a boy with purple hair and bags under his eyes. He was, starring at me.

My beloved's future ( reader x various ) Diabolik lovers fanficWhere stories live. Discover now