~ Chapter 11 ~

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I woke up in a sweat.

More nightmares...

I pushed myself out of bed wincing at the pain in my hands. They were now bandaged.

I heard someone walking down the hall.

I peeked my head out from my door curiously; I saw Yui walking down the hall.

I decided to quietly follow her and see where she was going...

After a while, I followed her out of the mansion and into the garden.

Yui sighed, before turning and leaning down in front of the flowers.

"Why can't I sleep?", she asked herself.

"What was that? I can't stop thinking about it.", she wondered to herself, putting a rose petal up to her face.

"Eve...", a voice called out, my eyes widened as I quickly looked around. Yui did the same, but she didn't realize my presence.

I then saw a boy appear out of thin air behind Yui before leaning over and whispering to her, "Here you are..."

Yui ran a few steps away from him, "Who are you?", she asked, clearly afraid.

I clenched my fists, I wanted to talk, but I was too curious.

The boy looked up and smiled, "Good morning! Little Masochistic kitty!", he said winking at her.

Yui backed away from breathing heavily.

She then turned and at the same time we both realized there was another boy, he was covered in scars and was rather creepy.

Yui gasped and turned around attempting to run away but she then ran into another boy.

I sighed, how many were there?

"Easy. You're not going anywhere little pig.", the tall vampire said looking down at Yui; who had now backed up into the scarred boy.

"Your smell...amazing...your aroma is so much like mine...", he said smiling.

Yui was now looking mortified. I wanted to jump in grab Yui and run out of there, but I bit my tongue and stayed quiet.

"No!", Yui screamed, running off.

I swiftly followed her from behind making sure not to be seen.

Another boy walked up and I hid behind a rose bush.

"We've come, to find you Eve.", Yui seemed as though she remembered something. But, before she could react the strange man grabbed her wrist.

"Yui!", I screamed out, running to her to save her.

But, I passed out almost immediately.

"Yui...", I said as my mind started fading...




"Yui...", I stirred in my sleep, I was sleeping in an uncomfortable place.

"Yui!", I gasped, sitting up quickly. I glanced around the room. I was empty, two staircases on either side of the couch I was sleeping on and a giant glass window behind it.

Yui was asleep right beside me; I shook Yui softly until she awoke.

"Huh, where am I?", Yui asked hestantly.

"I'm not sure where we are...", I said, helping Yui sit up straight.

She looked away embarrassed by the way I corrected her.

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