You nod at him, letting his words sink in. He gives you a brief hug, congratulating you again. "Everyone says 'congrats!', but what if I'm more nervous than excited? I don't know how to deal with this kind of thing..." You trail off. He nods, understanding what you mean.

"I guess it's all trial and error, you know? Just do what feels best, and if it's wrong, explain it later. Well...maybe that's not the best advice, but basically I'm saying: do what your heart tells you to do." He says.

"Well it's hard to do that because my heart says: 'Go spend all of your time with him! Go to him now! Hug him!' Like come on, Hyunjin. I don't even know this guy!" He hums at you, thinking.

When he is about to respond, the teacher walks in. Class is in session. You and Hyunjin talk back and forth in-between lessons and mini projects. As class ends, Hyunjin asks if you need anything from him. You shake your head. "I have to deal with this by myself. I'll keep you updated, but I'm going to see him tonight. If I remember, I'll text you how it went." He nods and gives you a parting hug. You embrace him and pull away once you're ready. You sigh, knowing that the only thing between you and Taehyung meeting again is one dinner.

You check your phone to see if he responded. You see his name in your phone notifications and your heart jumps again. You shake your head as you click on it, opening your messages. It reads:

Sure. I'll be there.

Your heart aches, wondering if it is an angry text, a sad text, or just a confirmation text. 'Ever thought that it's just a plain old text, bozo? Maybe it has no extra meaning."

You have about two hours to get dinner which is plenty of time at the little campus café. You sit down with a menu in your hand, looking at the options. You get a sense of Deja vu when you look up and see piano boy swiftly sit across from you. He smiles brightly at you, and you try to match his brightness. Of course, you fail. He wrinkles his eyebrows and leans his upper body on the table. Tilting his head, he asks, "What's wrong? You don't look so happy." You question how much you should reveal. 'What if he's a soulmate of mine, too? I don't want him to know I'm terribly unstable. Ha! He'll figure it out whether you like it or not!"

All you can say is, "To put it simply, I'm not so happy... I should be good soon though, so don't worry." You decide to take a risk and ask, "So... you know how some people have more than one soulmate, right?" He nods, confused. "Do you know if all of them are each other's soulmates? Or like...if I were to have three, do my three soulmates also have three? Or can they have a different amount with different people? Maybe this is a stupid question.." You trail off.

"No, no it's not stupid! All soulmates are bound to each other, so you have to share the same soulmates. They can't have a person that you don't have. Do you know what I mean? Like you all have the same people." 

You nod and say, "Oh, okay. I was just curious."

After a minute he says, "Do you have more than one...per chance?" You take a minute to answer, debating in your head. 

Though the length of the silence already answered his question, you still say, "Yes, I do." He smiles and says, "Me too." You look up at him with hope in your eyes. 'Finally, someone like me!'

You bring up the topic in your mind and say, "I have to go meet one of them after dinner and I'm terribly nervous. I didn't make a very good first impression because I was afraid. There's a lot that I'm not comfortable with sharing, but I will tell you that much." You sigh and take a drink of your water. He nods knowingly.

"I often hear of that happening between soulmates. Especially people that aren't fully...convinced that soulmates are good, if you know what I mean." You nod with wide eyes, knowing exactly what he means. 

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