The Multiverse

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It was Wednesday before the first strange thing happened. Blue hummed as he took a little break over a lull in the crowd. Hearing the bell chime, he stood up and returned to the front to help out the new customer. He paused, confused.
Waiting at the front was another skeleton. Unlike Blue, he was dressed in  golds and yellows, but he had roughly the same stature and size. His eyes even turned to stars as he saw Blue. "Hi there!"
Blue blinked in confusion, but shook his head and smiled back. "Hello! Welcome to Flicker! How may I help you?"
"Hi!" The other skeleton grinned. "I know this is a bit of a shock. You're probably new to the Multiverse!"
"The...I'm sorry?"
The other skeleton laughed. "How about I order and you come talk to me on your next break?"
Still very confused, Blue nodded, taking the golden skeleton's order. After a few minutes, there was enough of a lull for Blue to grab a snack and sit across from the other skeleton. "So?"
"So! I'm Dream. I'm sure you have a nickname too, right?"
"Blue. No one calls me Sans, I don't like it."
"Good on you! Well, you'll probably be seeing a lot of travelers. As alternates, we tend to gravitate towards each other." Dream chuckled. "Plus, most of us are good business. I can give you the list of AU's so you know what to look out for!" Dream pulled a list out of his pocket, grinning and passing it over. "I have copies for this instance. I'm just glad I'm the first one you've met."
Blue nodded, sighing. "It's...a lot to take in."
"Of course. I'm just glad I got to you in time. Things will...probably get stranger from here." Dream chuckled.
"Thank you." Blue looked over. "I should...get back to work."
"Of course! I look forward to seeing you more often, Blue!" Dream waved as Blue left, trotting back to the counter to help another customer.
Dream stayed for another hour or so, hanging out and watching the other patrons. He only left when he got a text, dashing out the door looking worried. He left a hundred dollar bill on the table as a tip.
As they locked up that night, counted rhe cash, which totaled up to almost twice the amount of yesterday's, and both headed off to their seperate apartments,Blue unfolded the list, sitting on the couch as he scanned the names and corresponding AU's. This was going to take a great deal of getting used to, but every new experience had a learning curve.
Getting to the bottom of the list, Blue frowned. There were a few names at the bottom, underlined in red. "Killer, Dust, Nightmare? What kind of freaky names..." Blue frowned, turning the list over. No pictures anywhere.
Well, whoever they were, Blue was sure they had no reason to bother him. After all, he was probably as new to the multivers as it was to him. There was no reason for anyone to seek him out.

Or so he thought.

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