Chapter Fifty Six

Start from the beginning

"Taylor, I'm so sorry! Please, just give me a second chance. I know it's all my fault. I should have been honest!" I pled, trying to push tears away. He was such a good friend. I didn't want to lose him.

"You should have but not it's too late because I'll never trust a word you say again ! Do me a favour Rochelle, if you decide to date someone again, please be honest with them! Don't let them fall in love with you and then find out that you're a liar!" Taylor pushed my hand away from his car and got into it. "I never want to see you in my life again. Please don't try to contact me,"

Taylor was gone before I could even blink. He drove away from me despite my protests and I felt tears stream down my cheeks as quickly as the icy wind froze them on my face. I hated this. I hated all of this.

Why did Enzo have to ruin everything for me? Things were going so well until he came back and decided to be a dick. I was so pissed. I couldn't think straight.

I rushed back into my workplace with the aim to give Enzo a piece of my mind but he was gone. All that was left were the roses which laid helplessly on the floor just like Taylor and suddenly, all my good times with him rushed through my mind. I truly didn't mean to hurt him. It was never my intention.

I reached out for my cellphone but when I tried calling Taylor, he had blocked my number already. He even blocked my number on text. So I called Ronan instead.

When Ronan answered, I yelled, "where the fuck does Enzo live? Send me his address now!"

"Wh-what?" Ronan sounded groggy like he was either drunk or just getting out of bed.

"You little demon, if you don't send me Enzo's address right now, I swear by the moon, I'll do something to make sure that your relationship with that prude Indigo won't see tomorrow! Send me his address or I'll send you to hell!" I screamed violently into the phone as I sat on the floor and cradled the bouquet.

"You don't get to threaten me, how-" Ronan was angry now but I didn't care. I disconnected the call and when he tried to call back, I didn't answer.

Five minutes later, he texted me Enzo's address with a caption saying; 'if you ever threaten me like that again then you'll be dead to me. There's a limit to my tolerance with you, Aoife and you always seem to cross it. The world doesn't revolve around your never ending crises. I always try my best to help you here but if your life is going to shit then you're the only one to blame for it due to your very, very, VERY poor life choices. Don't drag innocent people down with you!'

I couldn't help myself when I threw the bouquet of flowers across the room and at the wall. I was beyond livid. I felt like control was out of my hands.

When I called a cab to the hotel Enzo was staying at, I cursed him the whole way. I was so upset. It felt like the universe was constantly conspiring against me to have me fall flat on my face. Indeed, I was a liar but I had a past that I wanted to move away from, a past which I wanted to completely detach myself from. It was not one which I wanted to confront but it had an avid interest in confronting me. Endlessly, relentlessly, it confronted me wherever I went.

When I got to the hotel lobby, they didn't want to let me in until they called him. Then they told me his room and I made my way to the penthouse suite. I guessed Alphas lived in style even in other packs.

Enzo was obviously expecting me because the moment I knocked, he let me in. He was in his familiar black on black pyjamas and had obviously just taken a shower. The moment I took off my coat, I attacked him.

Enzo didn't expect the way I charged at him and started to pound against his chest with all the might I had in me, with all the anger that I had bottled up in my chest.

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