chapter 9

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Baby was uncomfortable. Sitting with Cherry and Marica at a drive-in movie wasnt how she planned her night. It wasnt that

she hated them, she's talked to them before in school but they were Socs girls and a greaser hanging out with them wasnt a

good idea. Dallas had just left and not in a good mood so hanging out with him was out of the question. Two-Bit was here

but was only paying attention to Marcia. She didnt know why, Marcia would never go for Two-Bit. Even if she did dig him,

Baby bet she wouldnt want to be known as the Socs who was dating a grease. And plus she already had a boyfriend. The movie

playing was some dumb beach movie with overly large breasted girls in bikins and bad acting, why Baby agreed to come she

didnt know why. Sure Johnny was here but him and Pony were deep into the movie. Baby suspected it was a bikin clad girls,

she didnt mind Johnny watching the movie. Honestly she wasnt the jealousy type. As long as she was the only girl he was

kissing she was fine. Looking around Baby was hoping she would spot someone she knew. Holding on to the last shred of hope

she had she finally saw Colleen, a girl she was friends with from Chem class. Baby decied to go over, nudgeing Ponyboy she

whispered, "Pony Im going to sit by my friend" pointing to Colleen. "Tell me before you leave." Pony whispered ok. Kissing

Johnny and saying bye to Cherry, Marcia, and Two-Bit she went to sit by her friend.

Once the movie was done Baby said goodbye to her friends and went to the seats where she left Pony and Johnny. When she

got to where they were sitting she saw no one was there. Looking around she didnt spot them anywhere. "Damn it Pony." Baby

was mad. She told Pony not to leave without telling her and what did he do? He left without telling her. Somtimes she

thought Darry was right, Ponyboy didnt use his head. Baby was suppose to be keeping an eye on him and if something

happenes to him it will be her fault. Darry was the last person you wanted on your butt. Baby knew he was with Two-Bit and

Johnny but she still felt responible. Since it was only 10:30pm and their curfew wasnt until midnight Baby decided to just

look for them.

Finally after 15 minutes she found them, Cherry and Marcia for some unknown reason were still with them. "Hey guys!" She

yelled to them. They turned around and saw that it was Baby they stopped for her. "Pony I told you to tell me when you

were leaving." Pony glanced at Cherry and his ears went red. Baby knew this was embaressing for him but honestly she didnt

care. Cherry or Marcia would never-unless they had to-talk to them again, so it didnt matter. "Oh come on Babe you dont

need to watch Pony 24/7." Two-Bit said. Baby glared at him,"Yea well tell that to Darry. You want him up your ass? Be my

guest." Johnny put his arm around Baby's waist, whispering for her to calm down. Baby did, but only because it was Johnny.

Baby mumbled a sorry to Pony and he nodded back at her. As Baby opened her mouth to ask why Cherry and Marcia were still

with them, Cherry said "Oh shoot!" And Baby turned around to see a blue Mustange stop right behind them. Out came two Soc

guys who obviously were Cherry and Marica's boyfriends as they were calling to them. "Cherry. What are you doing? Why'd

you leave? We were only a little drunk." Cherry looked mad. "A little? Bob you were very drunk!" Johnny suddenly tensed,

looking at him Baby noticed he was staring at Bob's hand. It was clad with 3 rings, Cherry shivered and Johnny pulled her

close. "Well that doesnt give you the go to hang out with these bums!" Two-Bit flicked out his pocket knief, grabbed a

glass bottle from the ground and handed it Pony. Pushing Johnny and Baby behind him he said, "Who you calling bums? We

ain't afaird of you." "Oh yea?!" Bob and the other guy yelled, they took a step forward. "Yea!" Two-Bit yelled back,

taking a step forward too. Baby hoped Two-Bit wasnt serious about fighting them, Baby didnt think Pony would do anything

with the bottle, Johnny looked scared to death and Baby wasnt a fighter. Luckly Cherry stepped in, "Stop it!" She yelled

pushing back on Bob's chest. "Stop it! No fights. I hate them ok? I hate them." Bob sighed, and him, Marica and Marica's

boyfriend went back to the car. "Ponyboy, can I talk to you for a moment?" Pony nodded and they took a coulple steps back.

Two-Bit and Johnny were still tense even though the imidite danger wasnt infront of them anymore. Baby could hear Cherry

telling Pony not to take it personal if she didnt talk to him in school, Baby knew she was right in not liking Cherry. All

Socs were worried about was there image, it made baby sick.

"What's that you got there Two-Bit?" Baby asked him. Two-Bit held his hand up and showed a small piece of paper, "I got

Marcia's number. Dont know why, its probally a fake. Ah well." He crumpled up the paper and threw it on the ground. Baby

frowned, that wasnt good for the Earth. "Alright kiddos, this is where I leave yous." Pony nodded at Two-Bit, "Ok man. See you tomorrow." Johnny and Baby called byes to Two-Bit as he ran down the road. Baby sighed, "Im going home Pone. You coming?" Directing the question to both Johnny and Pony. Pony looked to Johnny, "Nah. I think we'll stay out a while still." Glancing at Johnny, "Well ok, but not too late Pony. You know Darry. And Johnny you get too cold you know you can always come to our house." Johnny smiled. Baby loved when he smiled, he didnt do it often but when he did Baby savored it. "I know. And I will." Giving Johnny a kiss and Pony a forceful look Baby went on home.

Look who posted another chapter!!! There will be I think one more then the story is done. I want to say that one day I will rewrite this story but honestly I wont. So Im sorry for a sucky story. Thank you for all the reviews telling me to keep on writing and to finish the story, I wouldn't have written anymore if you guys didn't ask me to.  Check out my other Outsiders stories: Back from the dead, Praying isn't enough, and Caught in the middle of the Civil Rights Movement. It would mean a lot. If you have any suggestions for me to write please let me know. :)

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