Caught in the middle

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Ok this isn't an update but I have a new Outsiders story. I know I shouldn't be posting but I loved the idea so I just had to. Its called Caught in the middle of the civil rights movement. Heres what it is about. :)

Ponyboy wasnt sure what to think. He sure wasnt racist but he didnt like the idea. He was taught by his mother that race,religion,size, or how wealthy you were meant nothing. You could be white and rich and be a bad person just as much as being colored and poor. Ponyboy thought his mother was right. But he was pretty sure he was alone in that opinion, well he was pretty sure Darry, Soda and Johnny didnt care but the others did. Well actually he wasnt sure what Two-Bit thought, honestly he thought Two-Bit wouldnt care but who knows with him. As for his fellow peers and anyone who lived in Tulisa hated the idea of colored and whites living, working, and learning together. Whites -especially Socs- thought they were better. Ponyboy wished his mother were alive, she'd know what to say to Pony about this. Pony heard there was a rally coming up against the situation but he didnt think it would do any good. Since Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was shot and died everything changed. Colored people were aloud the same equality as whites. But from what Pony has seen so far and people werent even mixed yet was that this wasnt going to be easy. People were going to fight. Ponyboy just hoped he or anyone else from the gang didnt get caught up in it.

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