First Batch of Oldies

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Young Percy POV.

'Demigods falling from the sky into the dinning hall? Is this just a regular monday here?' I ask myself as five bodies tumble into the Aphrodite table. The girls who were preoccupied doing their makeup shrieked in terror as food goes flying to their faces. Silence is thick. 
"I swear Travis, if this is one of your stupid pranks I will-" a voice yells under the weight of three other people. I immediately look at the five who are all compiled on the table, but its too difficult to make out their faces. 

Travis head shot up as he looks closely at the group of five people scanning the faces. 
I feel anxiety bubble in my throat realising one of the four people could be a future me. 
Thoughts start to form in my mind, 'what if I suck in the future? What if nobody likes me?' What ifs float around my head haunting me. Suddenly Chirons voice pulls me out of my thoughts. 
"Demigods of the future we welcome you to the past." 
"What the-" a tall boy stands up first landing feet first on the ground his light blue eyes scanning the surroundings. He's skinny and lanky with a mop of curly brown hair on his head. 
"Where are we now, get off of me! What do I have to kill?!" a growl sounds from the table. Soon the rest of the older demigods are on their feet mostly out of fear of the young women yelling at them. 
"Holy mother of Zeus, we're at camp" a girl says, she seems to be around sixteen, her black curls hanging on her orange camp half blood t-shirt. 

"As I said, you are now in the past, welcome!" Chiron repeated patiently. The five older demigods reacted quite well, considering they had just time travelled. They all started running around screaming. From what I saw I observed their were two girls and three boys all sprinting like headless chickens. None of them looked like me, I sigh in relief. They all continue to yell at one another "I can't believe we're in the past!" and cursing multiple gods names much to their probable dislike. 

"Please before this, is it possible for you to tell us your names, your godly parents and a small introduction to who you are? " Chiron asks. The demigods stop abruptly seemingly just realising that basically the entirety of the camp was watching them. 
"Ummm...  Yeah, sorry about that." A six foot tall guy says awkwardly. 
"Im Chris, Chris Rodregiez son of Hermes" he adds, Y Chris looks at him in awe. (I will put Y in front of the younger versions of the character, because me lazy) 
"Im Clarrise LaRue, daughter of Ares" the angry buff girl says, I guess not much as changed. 
I shiver remembering the toilet incident earlier.  
"Oh yah, and Im also this punks girlfriend" she explains causally pointing at Chris. 
"WHAT" Y Clarrise exclaims. Y Chris turns bright red. I can't help but laughing with the rest of the camp at the two campers expressions. 

"Oh, hey little me," Clarrise says giving Y Clarrise a short glance and a smirk. 
"Dating- me, what- I could neve- mE, hiM WhAt?! " she stuttered out, Clarrise LaRue stuttering?  I am actually dreaming. 
"OH! We have younger selves, I completely forgot... By the way I'm Travis Stoll son of Hermes. And- wait... look at little me, Im so small and short, and tiny, this is weird" says the now known Travis giving Y Travis an up and down as he stares right back at him. 
"Sorry my boyfriends all over the place. Im Katie Gardner, daughter of Demeter" she states smacking Travis on the back. 
"OW" he replies. Katie gives him a smile while Y Katie looks at Y Travis with curiosity. 

"I'm the last one I guess, Im Connor Stoll son of Hermes" Connor says with a mischievous grin Before any of the younger campers could ask questions their was a loud cry. 
"I swear Nico di-Angelo if you shadow travelled us to China I will zap you!"

Authors Note:

Wow! Sorry for being gone for so long, kinda forgot about this... hehe oops. 
Anyway, I hope ya'll like this chapter. Comment suggestions or criticism. I'll get the next chapter out soon, hopefully. 

Thanks for reading! Bu bye. 

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Nov 03, 2023 ⏰

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Welcome to the Past? (Percy Jackson Characters Get Transported Into The Past)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum