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There are a couple of things I need to address really fast so here goes nothing, I guess.

1. As of now, the character boards are not completed so there are some characters missing from the "character introductions" page and as soon as I can, I will complete that because I honestly hate that it's not completely done yet.

2. Usually, I like to completely write out the story first and then publish consistently, whether that be weekly or multiple times a week, depending on what I'm feeling. From there, I usually just spend time revising chapters and editing because I already have the story written out and I don't need to find time in my schedule to sit down and actually keep writing chapters people are waiting on in order for the book to continue. This is the first book that I haven't completely finished writing, so I am sorry if there are major delays in updating (I have a lot on my plate right now and I'm trying my best right now, but this is not the rate I like to be putting out content at all).

3. RR's I want absolutely no spoilers from you, the reading experience should be equally as fulfilling and exciting for others as it was for you, so respectfully, shut up.

4. Eventually, some parts of the book might become more mature and I will be changing the rating to "mature" if and when those parts are published, I'm just letting everyone know in advance.

5. If you don't like something specific or general, just remember you don't have to. Nobody is making you read this story, either. I know I certainly am not, so please keep your negative opinions to yourself. I will be taking the liberty to delete any comments I don't like. Sorry not sorry.

6. I do not own the rights to to most of what this fanfiction is based upon. However, I do completely own the characters Charlie Ocean, Beatrix Moore, Agent Bree Taylor, Agent Michael Gaines, and all other OC's not canon in the Ocean's Eleven, Ocean's Twelve, Ocean's Thirteen,  and Ocean's Eight universes. So, do not use my original ideas, plot, or characters at all. Unless you ask me and I specifically give you permission to use anything I own, do not under any circumstances steal them from me. As long and you do not overstep or use my ideas without checking with me, we're all good.

7. This story is unedited as of now, and I have been posting short chapters lately in order to reduce the time it takes for me to get parts out. Once I get back into the swing of things and have more time on my hands (school is kicking my ass right now), I will definitely start editing and updating more often with longer chapters!

Much love,
Brooke-Elizabeth ♡♡

P.S. Don't be a silent reader! I will love you forever if you vote and I love to read through comments!! :)

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