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*:・゚✧1400 hours.
New York, New York.

"You technically lied under an interrogation oath, Charlie. That's a crime."

"Wouldn't be the first one I've committed," I shrug, gently brushing her arm off of me.

"Charlie," my best friend scolds.

"I am well aware of the consequences I face, Trixie. Thank you for your concern."

"Why'd they have you go all the way out to Greenwich, anyway?"

"Something about it being more convenient for his parole officer to get in touch with whoever would be questioning me, I think."

"Technicalities?" She frowns.

"Naturally," I say. We are browsing 5th avenue at the moment, my best friend and I. We actually haven't seen one another in a while, and since we both like jewelry, I suggested we meet at Tiffany's to catch up.

"Look, Charlie, I do know that your entire career is based off of lying and scheming against quite literally everyone, but you should really be more careful," Trix says as she stares longingly at a very expensive looking necklace.

"I know," is all I say, making a mental note to get her that for her upcoming birthday. It's just another couple of weeks, November 17th, the same birthday as... No. I refuse to spend any more time thinking about him.

"Hey, Charlotte?"


"Did you hear what I said just now?"

Shit. "Uh, no, I was lost in my thoughts."

Yeah, lost in your thoughts about you know who, the devious little voice in my head says.

Shut up.

"What was it you were saying, Trix?"

"Are you gonna go see him? Your brother, I mean."

"Yeah, I'm flying out of JFK tonight."

"Oh," I can hear her voice dripping with disappointment. Lucky for her, I'm not an idiot and I've known she's been in love with him for years. So, naturally, I bought her a ticket as well.

"You're coming with."

Trixie looks shocked. Sometimes it takes her a minute to process my immense generosity that I dish out every so often.

"Shut your mouth, you'll catch flies," I graciously remind her.

She snaps her mouth shut, squeals like a piglet, and whisper-yells directly into my face, "Charlotte Ocean have no idea how much I love you right now!"

I laugh and reply with a little, "I know," under my breath, motioning for her to walk towards the exit.

"You know I haven't flown in forever, I can't wait to pack," she continues muttering to herself as we walk through the doors and out onto the street. I whistle loudly for a cab and as I climb in after her, I slip her another present.

The matching bracelet to the necklace I'm getting her for her birthday that she was eyeing earlier.

Beatrix looks at me with wide eyes and opens her mouth the say something but I put a finger to her lips and stop her before she gets the chance.

"Don't mention it, I've got four more in my pocket."

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