465 14 3

*:・゚✧1800 hours.
JFK International Airport, New York.

"...I know he was married to her but she did divorce him right? Tess, I mean. Look, don't get me wrong she was nice and she was beautiful and everything but I never felt that she was right for him you know? Daniel deserves someone who loves him for who he is."

"Trix maybe-" I try to interrupt her rambling for a second but the girl doesn't slow down in the slightest.

"He deserves someone who supports him, all she ever did was tear him down, you know?"

"Mhm," I've given up.

"And I mean..."

I sigh and tune Beatrix out, having heard this conversation so many times before I could recite it by heart. My best friend has been helplessly in love with my older brother for as long as I can remember and he's an idiot for not noticing it.

I refuse to get involved, though, and turn my attention to observe the airport. More specifically, the people in the airport.

A stereotypical trophy wife catches my eye. She's sitting two rows down from us, waiting for the same flight to L.A. as Trix and I are. The jewelry she wears has to be worth millions and it would be rude not to bring my brother a gift upon my arrival. Plus, the jewels aren't really to my liking so I wouldn't exactly be keeping them for myself anyways.

"Flight #362 to Los Angeles, California is beginning boarding now," the loudspeaker announces about an hour later. I've scoped out 8 targets thus far. I'll be walking off this plane with close to 14 million in my pockets if everything goes according to plan.

Worst case scenario would be eleven.

Eleven million dollars, of course. I wouldn't settle for anything less.

"Those who have first class tickets may begin boarding now," the woman at the desk repeats.

I nudge Beatrix to wake her up and she jumps up, clearly eager to go see Daniel. Honestly, she deserves better, but I will continue to support her decision until he fucks up.

Then I'll have to kill him.


I really don't know how she does it, but Beatrix spends nearly the entire flight asleep. Meanwhile I, always the alcoholic, indulge myself on various assortments of champagne, wine, and the occasional cocktail.

I've also kept my eye on each of the remaining oblivious millionaires or billionaires I am planning to relieve of their expensive watches and jewelry. Daniel will be receiving a multitude of fine accessories upon my arrival. I have decided to gift him necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and the like as well.

I hope he will take the hint and give them to Beatrix, although I know deep down that there is a very small chance he won't be a complete dumbass and fuck it all up with Beatrix.

The time passes slowly and I find myself wondering what I am to do once Daniel inevitably asks me to be a part of his team for his newest scheme and for the first time in a long while, I actually don't know what to do.

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