27. Wifi In The Sky pt.2

Start from the beginning

"Come on Tor, spin with us" Cynthia said still spinning.

"Hey you heard the lady"


"Counterclockwise" Andre said as now everyone was spinning the opposite way.

"All right, so the little boy yells- will you stop that" Tori yelled at Trina.

Cynthia pov

I was painting my nails bored, as we still gotten barley anything done.

"So the little boy yells, what"

"How about, mom, there's evil in my closet, evilll"

"Okay good, and uh how do i spell 'Evillllll". How many L's do you want" I asked getting ready to write.

"Use for I's and three L's" beck said making me nod.

"Okay, now, why don't we say, the mom walks into the closet to find her son being eaten by-" but i was cut off by Cat.

"Look, now i'm a cherry pie"

"Cat, ill actually throw a cherry pie at your face if you don't stop" I said smiling.

"I'm pie girl, but don't bite off my nose"

"Cat we have a 10 page script due tomorrow, and we're on page three, and you're not helping at all now will you please stop acting like a child" Tori yelled at her making me her cry.

"There she goes" Beck said drinking something.

"Okay, look, i didn't mean to yell at you, please dont cry im just frustrated because-" but she stopped when cat left.

"Uh..." Tori sighed leaning into her seat.

Trina and the little kid behind her were fighting, cause he keeps kicking her seat.

"So, where are we in the script" Andre asked making me look at what i wrote so far.

"Still page three, the boys says, mom, there's evil in my closet evil"


"Oh yeah"

"okay, how about next we say the closet starts turning into, like a fiery den of-" but i was cut off by someone wanting to join.

"Is that Robbie again" Andre asked sighing.



"deny it"

All the sudden Trina's butt was in the camera


"What was that"

"Trina's butt"

"That was horrible"

"So whos your new boyfriend" Andre asked as the little boy called Tori hotter than Trina.

"Not cute, Andre"

"What's that noise" I asked confused hearing banging.

"Open the door" I heard Jade yell making me laugh.

"I'm busy working on a project" he yelled when the door busted up.

"Put the dog down and tell me about this cheerleader girl"

"I'm not going to put the down down"

"oh aren't you"

"if you wanna meet the cheerleader, she'll be back any minute to pick up her dog"

"Then ill wait for her" she said sitting down.

"Hey Cynthia" Jade said waving at me.

"Hi crazy" I said laughing.

"Okay, can we get back to writing the script" Tori asked making everyone agree.

"Okay. Boys in the closet, face being eaten, mom walks in, and-" but I was cut off by another person wanting to join the call.

"Another video chat request?"

"Who is it now" I asked tucking my knees to my chest, and putting my chin on my knees.

"Someone named lil Stephanie 21" she said making me tilt my head in confusion.

"Whos she's" Beck asked as Tori shrugged.

"I don't know, lets see" she said accepting it.

"helloooo" Robbie said joining.



"What the fu-"

"You created a fake screen name"

"Well you denied my real one" he said making me roll my eyes.

"But why lil Stephanie 21" Andre asked making me chuckle.

"Cause lil Stephanie one through 20 were taken" he said making me laugh.

"You couldn't of picked a boys name" I asked.

"Says a lot doesn't it" Rex said making me shrug.

"Don't you guys agree that if a person says he'll see a movie with you on Sunday night, he should honor that commitment and not just leave me hanging" he said and then tori hung up on him earning in him leaving.

"What happened to Robbie"

"my finger"

"What's the screen name" I asked when someone asked to join.

"Mr. Skinny jeans" she said making me groan.

"That's sinjin" I said laying on my bed.

She sighed accepting it.

"Hey guys" he said joining.

"I see you're video chatting" he said coming closer to the screen.

"What do you need, cause were kinda busy" Tori said making me nod.

"Are you on a plane"

"Yeah im on a plane"

"And they have wi-fi"

"No, she has the world longest internet cable" I said rolling my eyes.

"Hey wait a minute" I said going closer to the screen.

"Uh Jade" i said making her come closer.


"Hi, Jade"

"where did you get that lamp" she asked sitting by Beck.

"Um at the lamp store"

"Are you sure, cause it looks exactly like the lamp Jade has at her house" I said pinching my eye brows together.

"Oh weird" he said.

"Are you in my house" she asked.

He ran off "take your computer with you" she yelled earning in him coming back.

"Please don't tell my mother" he said leaving.

I zoned out looking at my wall bored with all this, maybe i should fake fall and leave the wall.

I smiled mischievously grabbing my laptop, i walked down the stairs and set it down while everyone was distracted.

I laughed quietly, "Ahh" I yelled actually falling down the stairs.

"Cynthia" Everyone yelled concerned, as i was trying not to laugh.

I secretly reached over turning my laptop off.

I laughed grabbing my laptop and going to make popcorn.

Possibility • Beck OliverWhere stories live. Discover now