☆ I know why we're here. ☆

Start from the beginning

You walked back, watching as Mr. Joestar left the house.

This was it, time for the conversation. You didn't want to say it, but you already knew what it was about.
You walked back into the cabin, exchanging brief words with Mr. Joestar about him returning to the ship.

You sat down, pulling out a cigarette. For the first time in ages, you saw Avdol pull a cigar out of the cupboards.
"If you're going to smoke, make it worthwhile," he hands you a cigar.

You put the cigarette back in the box.

"This must be important if you're smoking," you smiled.

You pulled out your lighter and lit your cigar, he used his hand to light his.

"I know you're no idiot, Akira."

"You're right, I know why we're here."

You looked away, not wanting to say it. You know he didn't either.

You sighed.

"What happens if one of us doesn't make it?"

Silence, making a moment feel like an hour.

"I know what you're thinking," he speaks. "'We're both strong fighters, we'll live.' But I know you know there's a possibility we won't."

He shakes off the gray from his hair, and puts on his red robe.

"There's always a possibility, Muhammad. That's what happens when you fight people and are basically magic police officers."

"But none the less, this is different. DIO is more powerful than anything you or I have ever faced. We're entering the great unknown here."

You nod, taking a puff of the cigar.

"Muhammad, if I die," you look down into his eyes. "Don't remember me. Sell my stuff and move on as quick as you can. Or, write a book. Do whatever you can to make yourself some cash."

"I think I give you too much credit for your smarts, because that may have been the most idiotic thing I've ever heard," he laughs. "You don't understand the effect you have on the lives of those around you. I mean, sell your things and forget? You are my child, you have brought honor, purpose, and color to my once dull and lonely life. Raising you this past year has been an incredible journey, and forgetting about you is something I could never do. You may see yourself as a bother, but you are nothing even close to one."

You aren't quite sure how to react, so you just sit there in the same place.

"I don't remember anything from when I was young, but this year has made me feel more fulfilled than I ever thought was possible. And you, Muhammad, have made me feel important."

He stands up and walks to the other side of the table to hug you.

Hugging was not something you two frequently did, so he must be very nervous about all this.

"If I die, I don't expect you to move on. But I want you to live. You're still so young, and you've already had your youth stripped from you. I don't want your spirit to be taken as well. Live, and do whatever you choose to do with your life. And if I die, I want you to return to live with whoever on this trip lives."

And that's when it clicked. It's not a matter of yours and Avdol's survival, but everyone's. Anyone of you could die, and you had no insight into who would live. Who would die.

"I'll try," you respond. He returns to his seat. "It's so awful."

"What is?"

"Fate. Bringing us together, but also possibly tearing us apart."

Bizarre Stars (OC/reader x jotaro kujo)Where stories live. Discover now