ROTB! Optimus Primal X Human Female Reader

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A/N: Was working on another request and the ROTB trailer dropped and I'm so insanely down bad for this man that I had to make this. I know the movie hasn't come out yet but let's just use context clues and pure horny to work this out. This will take place in the late 80s since the movie does.

Warnings: cunnilingus, hair pulling, overstimulation, vaginal sex, feral behavior, breeding kink, doggystyle, dubious consent, a bit of murder and gore of course.

Summary: Everything is peaceful on the military base until Optimus introduces the Maximals as new allies.
(This chapter is kinda long but completely worth it because I intend for this to be rather nasty and unhinged).

"There we go Cadet!"

You wiped the sweat from your brow before turning around to look at your superior in irritation. This base was staffed with two hundred military personnel but when it came time to do housekeeping work on the base rarely anyone ever volunteered so you and five other cadets got selected for it.

It was currently your job to hang up banners that were written in English accompanied with a cybertronian translation to direct the bots when and where they could use mass displacement, get energon and see a medic.

"Is it even?" You questioned the Cadet below you that happened to be Ellie, literally the only person you trusted on this god-forsaken base.

Ellie gave you a thumbs up which permitted you to come back down from the latter.

"Why are we hanging this shit up again? We already have enough of these signs."

Her red eyebrows were furrowed up in confusion and it was obvious you weren't the only one feeling overworked.

"Sergeant Kay says that Optimus will be bringing new allies this evening. And Mirage accidentally pulled down the other signs trying parkour." It sucked how it was always up to you to clean up someone else's mess.

You immediately took a long sip from your canteen after answering her question. It's October but the base hasn't yet regulated how much heat to put out to combat the cold weather, so outside the base was 50 degrees and inside it was almost 80. This was the only time your base allowed everyone to wear normal clothes instead of their uniforms.

"Okay I'm done here. Going to go hit the showers and then get ready for the event later."

"Watch out for Aiden!" Ellie laughed before taking the tape roll from you.

You visibly cringed when she said that and rolled your eyes. You absolutely loathed Aiden. The guy was a massive weirdo who has been trying to sleep with you since high school. Just last week you reported him for harassment after he blocked you from exiting a hallway to try to take you on a date. Ellie handed you the box cutter and the marker in case you needed it when you completed your inventory shift later. After she playfully saluted you goodbye, you walked off to the shower room before drying off and heading back to your room.

It didn't take you long to find out what you wanted to wear, so you packed your essentials in your purse after doing your makeup, hair and putting on your dress. You debated on wearing heels but wore them anyway because they did go with your outfit. You left out and took your normal route out of the main facility through the halls to the ceremony room.

You joined a group of soldiers who were all wearing formal wear and entered with the crowd. The room looked the same as it always looked every day except for the Autobots lounging on the other side of it. The ceremony room was an old hangar so it gave them all the room they needed to walk around freely without needing to use mass displacement.

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