TFP! Soundwave x Human Female Reader

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Requested by: ObsessedWSoundwave

A/N: Reader has been Soundwave's human captive for awhile and has learned he gives out his rewards in the best ways.

Warnings: Tendril sex, double penetration, praise kink, degrading behavior, and Soundwave being Soundwave of course.

    You had to rub your eyes a few times just to make sure you weren't dreaming. Like you couldn't believe you'd actually done it, you've always been good with computers but not this damn good... The monitor screen lit up with a variety of different cybertronian letters, all forming a conversation between the autobot medic Ratchet and an autobot named 'Wheeljack' who you've never even heard of before.

    You couldn't help but brandish the widest smile on your face as you were proud of your own work. Immediately you eyes darted over to the silent mech that was sitting at a much larger monitor beside you. He wasn't in mass displacement so the sizing between your field of vision and his, vastly differed. You cleared your throat and placed your fingertips on his servo. The comparison of his own servo to your hand never ceased to amaze you. Attached to each servo was a set of freakishly sharp claws or 'digits' as he referred to them. Just with your palm being on his servo you could feel the amount of heat his frame was letting off. Usually you would expect a metal surface to be cold but Soundwave was always surprisingly hot to the touch.

   As if you were lost in a trance of comparing the size differences you looked up to notice the mech was staring at you. He hadn't said a word but it was obvious he wanted to know why you were touching him without permission.

"Hey, I t-think I found s-something." You stuttered out before clenching your fists.

You weren't much of a stutterer but Soundwave seemed to have this effect on you that always had you mentally spiraling and it was annoying. The mech tapped his digit on his own monitor and brought up what you were seeing onto his own screen. From there he silently scrolled through the scrambled cybertronian letters that seemed to form as a digital conversation between two autobots.

   You couldn't read their language yet so you had no idea what it said but Soundwave seemed to be extremely interested in your findings.

"Well done." His voice came out as an actual robotic monotone speech.

Soundwave spoke very little but whenever he did speak it gave you goosebumps, as much as you strived for his approval there was always something that made you uncomfortable about his voice. Then again all of the decepticons you've come in contact with have all sounded completely horrifying. They all had a range of extremely deep octaves that never sounded human. Using a clawed digit the black and purple mech began to stroke the top of your head as if you were a pet and you couldn't help but let out a huff of satisfaction from the gesture.

   If other humans had seen you like this they would call you crazy but you couldn't help but take pride in receiving any kind of affection from your 'owner'. This was just your own twisted way of making light out of a bad situation, like he hasn't murdered you yet and you're certainly not in as bad as a position as the human captive that is owned by Starscream so why not find a form of solace. And maybe you were crazy because you knew a job well done for this mech always led to a reward. The last reward that was given to you was Soundwave allowing you to actually go back out into public again.

   It had actually been six months before you'd last been in public around other humans. You were only allotted two hours to roam and he was by your side within human holoform the entire time but you'd never forget how good the sun felt on your skin. Soundwave always kept his office darker than other areas on the nemesis so to get to be in such a well lit scene was actually euphoric. You'll never forget how you got to see the face of Soundwave's human holoform visually cringe upon hearing someone drive past the two of you blasting loud rap music. You tried so hard to hold in your laughter but the face he made left you feeling like you just heard the funniest joke of your life.

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