Chapter 4: A Cold Night

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I couldn't sleep, it was too cold. I looked over at Kion, and noticed he wasn't shivering, he looked warm. I walked up to him and nuzzled his fur. I was shocked, it was very warm. I curled up in his chest, and fell usleep.

Kiara woke up the next morning, and stretched. She decided she would go to Rani's den to check on Kion. She and Kovu walked there. Kovu sat outside, and Kiara walked in. She was shocked at what she found, Rani was curled up in Kion's chest. "Kovu! Come looked at this!" Kiara whispered. Kovu walked in and his jaw dropped. "Did he make a move on her?" Kiara chuckled, "Maybe."

Just then, Rani woke up. She saw Kiara and Kovu and blushed. She walked up to them. "Did he make a move on you?" Kovu asked. Ranis eye's widend. "What! No! It was just cold, and Kion looked warm... please don't tell him about this," Rani begged. "Don't worry sister, we wont," Kiara winked.

A couple minutes later, Kion woke up. He stretched and yawned with a slight roar. Rani looked at him, and couldn't help but admire his muscles. She realized what she was doing, and looked away. Kion walked up to them. " Hi Rani, Kiara and Kovu," he said. "Hi Kion," Rani replied. "Morning little brother," Kiara said. "Morning bro," Kovu replied. "How did you sleep," Kiara asked smirking. Kion was confused on why she was smirking, but said, "good." Kiara chuckled. "So what am I doing for my healing today?" Kion asked. "I'll tell you at breakfast, you guys head to the tree, I'll catch breakfast," Rani said. "Ok," Kion replied, and the 3 walked off to the tree of life.

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