Chapter 2. Sharks

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Y/n's pov

"WHAT THE HELL, Y/N WHAT- HOW?!?" Mum yelled, tears began falling out of her eyes as she cuddled the tiny Grey and Black Sea cat whose fur was so fluffy.

"Her name is Nyx, she's going to be a handful, she was the only kitten left in the box and the reason for that was her tail" I told mum, Nyx's tail was a lot longer than the other kittens and she also had two extra fins on the sides of the tail that wasn't meant to be there

"Y/n, why do I need to cat?" Mum asked concerned, I started to get nervous when she said that.

Did she want it? Did she not? What am I meant to do if she does not?! I will just keep it, no worries, right? Fuck... what am I- ' I thought.

"Just- never mind, she's very cute, but Nyx? really?" mum asked, she's really into gods and stuff like that, she always reminds me about all the gods.

"I didn't name her! the seller did, I think they named all her cats off of gods" I explained.

'God, I hope there is no medusa kitten, but if there were... would they take her eyes out, would they blind fold her or would they Just avoid eye contact for the rest of their life?' I thought questioning if all the cats had powers, but that was cut short by the yelling of my brother.

"AHHH GET THAT THING AWAY FROM MEEÈÈÈ!!!!" He squealed; at the end He had a massive voice crack. he bolted as fast as he could out of the house, we swam out to see what the problem was

"WHAT'S WRONG DIPSHIT?!" I yelled, I don't know why I yelled. It just felt right, mum hit me on the head, Dylan was huffing and puffing

"Y/n, language, I'm sure he can give an explanation for his actions" mum explained hoping for an answer

"A spider! Go in there and kill it!!" He said, while shaking his bones

'What the actual fuck!? A SPIDER?! ARE YOU KIDDING?! I'd be yelling as loud as he would if it was a sharkfolk robbing us, he's a wuss, and absolute wuss, I don't think he's going to get a husband... or wife at this point' I thought

"Dylan... a spider is not that big of a problem that you have to wake up all of the FUCKING FISH IN THE SEA!!" Mum yelled and hit him on the back of the head.

"Y/n go get the spider and put it in his bed" mum joked, but I'm serious, I'm actually going to do it, so I swam in and tried to find it, Dylan's room was edgy, his floor and walls were wooden, he has all sorts of treasures that I find outside in his room, like this weird yellow thing that would reflect light of there was a light source on it and it also had a black curved arrow on it, it was made out of metal, he had all sorts of things like that on his walls, Dylan also had his room covered in vines they were falling if the ceiling, there was a wall that had nothing on it expect for a mural, Dylan had let Y/n paint on one of his walls, it was a massive pink blossom tree that had all types of patterns on it with stars, I found it, I found the massive spider that Dylan's out of the house from and I understand why he bolted out of the house, it was the size of a Mer-torso, maybe even two, I swam into the kitchen and grabbed the longest knife I could find and swam back to his room, the spider didn't move an inch, so I use the knife as a dart and through the knife directly in the middle, the crushing sound of it's hard outer shell and the gooey-ness slime like sound was absolutely nightmare material, I gaged


'That smell is going to be the worst thing if he stayed in there and if there was one spider... there's got to be more, bleh, imagine if there a massive egg-sack' I made myself gag on accident, a knocking on the door  made her jump

"Y/n, is it gone?" Mum questioned while she swam in and saw it pinned onto the wall, she grabbed to closest thing that was like a bucket but it was his trash can, the ones that are made out of wire and is absolutely nothing like a bucket, it was the complete opposite to a bucket

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