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The warm sun hugged the earth as the wind swayed the trees. As Church bells rang. Shrek felt pure bliss. He hadn't felt happy in a while. The past few months were a spiralling depression episode, as he found out whilst getting diagnosed. But maybe, today would be different. Puss was in a formal tuxedo, as the best man. Barry And Vanessa were sitting in the pews. Thomas was carrying a plate of two onion rings on his horn, Gingy was having the wedding cake and the three little pigs danced down the aisle with baskets of flowers. Then, was the wedding procession with Donkey trotting with a pearly white dress down toward the altar. "Dearly beloved" The priest started "we are gathered here today to celebrate the holy matrimony of Shrek and Donkey." They said their vows and their 'I dos' "And now" The priest stood "you may kiss the donkey!" Everyone cheered and applauded as they finally kissed.

It was the end of an era, but Shrek couldn't help but still feel a lingering sadness. But he tried his best to stay tall. I won't have my best days, but maybe that's okay. He thought Depression is not a battle that can easily be won. But maybe I can cope with it. Learn more about it.

All that i have to do is cry out.

Thank you so much for reading this fanfic!

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